Trying For More eBay Sales

Wow, I guess I neglected to mention trying my hand at selling on eBay for the first time the other week. I have to admit, they kinda bribed me into doing it. They offered three free listings (including the Gallery extra, for a total of $0.60 per item) for first time sellers. So, I figured, what the heck, I have nothing to lose! I listed a pair of earrings, which didn’t sell, didn’t even get a single hit, but that doesn’t surprise me terribly because the jewelry market on eBay is totally flooded. I listed a highly collectible Longaberger cross stitch ornament kit, which has gone for upwards of $20, but only sold for my opening price of $5.95, but I wasn’t terribly disappointed because I had gotten it for free. 🙂 And finally, I listed a matching, handmade kit of needlework tools – a two-piece dololly, two large marking pins and two small marking pins. And it sold well! I listed it for $9.95 and it ended at nearly $18.00. Not too shabby.

So, I was sitting here tonight, looking at my pile of old stitching stuff that I’ve been trying to trade for a while and decided that I pretty much had nothing to lose in listing a couple of things. They’ve already been long paid for, so if they manage to sell, anything I get is just gravy. I listed two older booklets and an older kit and will see how things do. Selling in threes seems to work so far, so if sometime this week I get at least one bid on at least one item I just listed, maybe I’ll list three more. If I don’t add too many “extras” into the listing, it’s not terribly expensive, so I might as well sell it to someone who will make use of it, right?

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Counting Our Blessings

We got some more snow last night, an inch or so. Enough that Terry went out again with the snowblower to make sure the driveway was clear. Those bad (in a good way) neighbors of ours across the street where kind enough to snowblow our driveway after Terry left yesterday morning, once they had finished their own, just for good measure. They were so quick that I heard something while I was in the shower and by the time I got out, they were nearly done. It’s nice to have good neighbors.

And that made me realize that no matter how bad some of our neighbors may seem, we actually have it pretty good. We have the wonderful guys across the street, the quiet couple around our age with the two little ones to our left and the family to the right. As much as they seem to be nouveau riche rednecks, they really have been better over the past year than previously. With the exception of the golf ball they drove through the siding on the side of our shed facing them. And the couple other assorted golf balls of theirs that Terry has encountered while mowing the grass through the year. But that’s a relatively minor grumble. No rumbling of a cherry picker for hours upon hours as they string up half a million lights and that infernal plastic Santa and reindeer taking flight between the trees for Christmas. In fact, I don’t think they had any lights on at all this year. Perhaps that fine that we assume went along with the arrest for threatening the detective down the road hit a little harder than we thought. Oh, and there’s the gaping huge hole in their backyard that was probably intended to be the start of a swimming pool last spring. But hey, at least that overgrown, weedy cesspool isn’t on our property, right?

Yep. A big part of the workbook I’m going through this year is about learning to acknowledge the blessings in life. And once you really start to look for them, you realize that we all have quite a few things to be thankful for, no matter what our current situation. That’s proving to be a real eye-opener for me and is helping me to change my attitude.

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Still a Slacker

Yep, looks like I’m still a slacker with a stale blog. I will truly have to figure out some way to remedy that. Maybe I can mail into it or something.

Not like life hasn’t provided any material, though. We had some snow on Thursday that no one expected to accumulate, but it did (we received 2″ or 3″ at home), so the roads were terrible and people were driving strangely, as usual. It’s funny how people don’t seem to remember from year to year how this whole driving in snow thing works.

This weekend, a nor’easter came through. We received 8″ to 10″ during the bulk of the snowfall yesterday, but by the time we went to bed, it was starting to snow again, so we had another inch or two overnight. That much snow is not too fun to shovel, even for someone only pushing 30. Good thing we have that giant snowblower on the front of the tractor; that thing is a real life saver (probably literally, too). We were out there for well over an hour cleaning our driveway and then going over to help a neighbor who had nothing but a shovel. Terry has a big heart.

Today is incredibly windy, so the yard looks like a white desertscape. It’s beautiful, but I’m afraid I’m not going out in that when it’s so frigid. The wind chills have the air temperature near zero. Unfortunately, unless they rescheduled it, that means we won’t be attending the memorial service for the cofounder of the company that we work for. She passed away suddenly on Thursday morning.

So, there you are, this week’s excitement. I finished stitching this month’s JCS SAL ornament on Wednesday night. I have one side hemstitched now, too, with the other to go before I can sew up the seam and stuff it for true completion. I think I’d like to do that before the end of the month. I’ve been stitching on another ornament which is the second one of my personal little mission to stitch all of the ornaments in this year’s JCS ornament issue that I like. Oh yeah, and I made lemon poppy muffins in the morning and 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies, fudge and a cake last night after shoveling.

So after all of that procrastination yesterday (quite effective, I might add), today has to be devoted to graphics design. I’m hoping that by starting first thing out of bed this morning, with dance music coming through the headphones, I’ll be able to get into a rhythm.

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Starting With a Fresh Slate

Well, I haven’t done a very good job of keeping up with my blog, now have I? But it’s not on my list of new year’s resolutions! 😀

But seriously, I will try again to find something meaningful to say, at least a couple of times a week. No one likes a stale blog… and stale mine has become.

Let’s see, what news do I have? I took a run at eBay’s offering last weekend of 3 free listings for new buyers and put some things out. 1 auction didn’t sell at all. 1 auction had 1 bidder. 1 auction had several bidders and went for nearly double the starting price. Interesting how I was able to span the whole range of possible outcomes with just 3 auctions.

And, in other breaking news, I stitched two Christmas ornaments this weekend. Yes, that’s Christmas ornaments. And there are two more in progress, with one kitted up just last night to be stitched this week. These two were special, though. While visiting with friends of ours the other weekend, I asked one of them to go through my old 2002 Just Cross Stitch special ornament issue and pick an ornament or two that really appealed to her. I told her that I would make them up for her before the next Christmas, when they’re aiming to have an actual, real live, large, decorated Christmas tree in their house for what may well be the first time since they moved in a few years ago. Needless to say, I was happy to enable them with some ornaments to help decorate. 😉 She ended up picking 4 different designs and told me to surprise her with whichever one I decided to stitch for them. One?!? Come on, now. You know me. I couldn’t stop at just one. I’m determined to do all 4, and with 2 under my belt already (1 of them completely finished and ready to hang), I think I’m comfortable with the prospect of finishing the other 2.

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Saturday Morning

Oh what a beautiful morning… NOT! 😉 It is not looking very nice out there in the world today. Gray, dreary, presumably cold, raining. Blech!

Oh well, it’s actually a good thing, since everything I need to do this weekend requires me to be parked in front of a computer, pretty much. How exciting! I hope that others out there in the ether have a more promising weekend than I! 🙂

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Resolutions and a Stitching Finish

My first stitching finish of 2005, the first of many, is the Pansy ornament from Amaryllis Artworks as published in the Just Cross Stitch 2004 Special Christmas Issue.

And progress on my resolutions to date is… well… it’s challenging. Especially the first one. Especially when I’m playing a game. 😀 I’ll keep working on it!

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2005 New Year’s Resolutions

I may think of some more by the time Friday and/or Saturday comes, but here’s what I have for now.

    2005 New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Stop (or at least severely limit) swearing!
  • Don’t be a stress puppy. Try not to overreact to situations; take lots of deep breaths; listen to music to help distract and soothe whenever necessary
  • Establish a stitching rotation and stick to it!
  • Start stitching Christmas presents early
  • Start making Christmas shopping lists even earlier
  • Finish Terry’s Mom’s stitched project and frame before Christmas (see resolution number 3)
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2004 Resolutions in Review

So, it’s almost the new year again and that means it’s time to review this year’s resolutions and see how I did.

    2004 New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Stop Swearing – FAILED
  • Gain Weight – SUCCESS!
  • Leave work at work and don’t take work matters too personally – Work in Progress 😉
  • Start stitching Christmas presents early – SUCCESS, but I need to add an addendum next year to stop thinking of new ones late in the year!
  • Finish Terry’s mom’s stitched project and frame before Christmas – FAILED
  • Work on Fairy Moon project at least once a month – FAILED
  • Organize stitching materials – SUCCESS!

Not too bad, really. Only one major failure that I consider to be truly important and that was to stop swearing. I blame that partially on my stress level, so that one’s tied to other initiatives about work.

Now to set goals for next year! 😀

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Phoebe’s Christmas Story

Here’s a recounting of the past few days from our little furbaby’s point of view:

Woofy Christmas, everyone! The past several days have been quite a whirlwind around our house. It started with Mommy and Daddy taking the two days before Christmas Eve off from work. I was all excited because this usually means more playtime and attention for me! Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Instead, they spent Wednesday and most of Thursday running around the house, stirring up dust, making banging noises on the walls, spraying smelly stuff all over the place and using those loud machines on the carpet that scare me. After all of this, I was ready for a nap, but instead the doorbell rang and in came Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Ginny! They also brought with them their tiny little furball, Celeste, who doesn’t like to play with me. 🙁 I was excited and overwhelmed by all of the people and all of the presents they brought for under the Christmas tree! Mommy and Grandma stayed up really late that night while Daddy and I went to sleep.

On Christmas Eve, Mommy spent most of the day in the kitchen with her mixer and popping things in and out of the oven a lot. Grandpa helped by running lots of water and clanking dishes together while Daddy spent a lot of time in the basement making noise. I just sat in the living room with my head on my paws, watching Mommy walk back and forth from the oven to the island to the the refrigerator. Whew! She and Daddy looked really tired by the time they were done.

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Last Minute Preparations

Well, we’re not quite ready for company, but we have to be by tomorrow afternoon… or else it’s too late! 😉

The lights are on the tree and it’s ready for ornaments. The presents (all of the ones I bought and wrapped, at least) are waiting to be piled underneath, the spare bedroom is spotless and ready to go. Just need to clean up the music room, but Terry has to wrap his gifts first. Still finishing up the main bathroom. Terry finished painting the trim, so it can be installed tomorrow. Then we just need to cleanup, install the door and hang a little stitched bellpull over the toilet.

Everything else will be what it’ll be. 🙂

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