Ornament Finish and Graduation Announcement Framed

Another one bites the dust… This month’s ornament for the Just Cross Stitch magazine ornament stitch-a-long is done (at least, it’s stitched) and scanned. I even pulled out some fabric that somewhat coordinates with it so that I can finish it as a mini pillow. I’ll try to do that before the end of the month so that I don’t have to worry about it when Christmas time rolls around again.

Also, I framed Ginny’s graduation announcement, but I haven’t taken a picture of it yet. I didn’t do my usual professional job with the framing because the frame isn’t as nice as I once thought, so I didn’t want to lace the piece and everything, just to have to take it apart again and reframe it someday. And hey, if I don’t end up reframing it, it’s not TOO bad. I think I can live with it, but we’ll see if I feel the same in a few days when I’m not feeling quite so overwhelmed with things to do.

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Model Stitching Finish and Weekend Plans

I got another one of those lovely, mysterious, stitch-me-quick packages in the mail at the end of January. I just finished last night – hallelujah! I’m always happy when I get these turned around relatively quickly; it makes me feel better about the speed of my stitching, despite the fact that it took nearly 14 hours. I scanned it, of course – front and back.

I also started my February ornament for the JCS SAL last night. This was a tough one to substitute threads because they were all overdyed threads, of which I had none. I was not about to spend nearly $20 to stitch one little ornament. No thanks! I’m going to try tweeding (blending two colors of thread) to try and simulate the two main colors in a couple of the combinations; otherwise, I chose what looked to be the most prominent color in the photo and matched it to a DMC floss color. I think it’ll turn out fine. Gratuitous use of expensive threads just kills me. I don’t know why someone hasn’t thought to kit up these stupid ornaments and sell them (the kits). That would be such a great idea. If I had a lot of money and could manage to get an advanced copy of the magazine every year, I might consider it. Hmmm… I wonder… maybe my ONS owner contact would be willing to work with me on it. Or maybe Silkweaver, since they already do the fabric cuts for the ornament? Maybe I’ll write to them…

On tap for this weekend is a gaming night tonight at a friend’s house. Nearly a year ago, we got together and played Diablo II for an entire day. Tonight will be our attempt to finish the game with the same characters we started last year (yes, he kept the files). I’m crossing my fingers that yesterday’s headache stays away.

Then, I have graphic design work to do for a web store. And I have to test the speed of an LCD panel to decide if I want to replace my current CRT monitor or not. And then I should really work up another graphic that a friend asked for before Christmas and I keep forgetting about. Then, maybe, if I’m lucky, I can relax and stitch a bit? I need to get back to working on another model that was on hold for a while.

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Comment Spammers Are Trying Again

[begin tirade]

… and are apparently too stupid to realize that their comments aren’t being posted on my site. I’ve been getting lone attempts every once in a while, but those people seem to understand that they won’t get posted, so they stop after the first one. This one, however, is persistent. Over 2 dozen attempts in the past 24 hours. My comment moderation queue is getting backed up.

After doing some digging, I found that the particular site they’re spamming for is causing problems for other blog owners, as well. In case any spammers happen to be watching, let me just tell the world that I HATE SPAM! I’m responsible for eliminating it for an entire corporation (and am fortunate enough to get very little to my work address) and I get hundreds a day at my personal address. I have to live and breathe this crap and I’m sick of it. The nasty stuff turns my stomach just looking at the subject lines and the rest is a total waste of my previous bandwidth! And, come on, when you think about it, spamming someone’s blog via comments is just dumb. Yeah, I understand that it’s an attempt to get higher rankings on the search engines in hopes of driving more traffic to your website, but seriously, is it worth the potential for fines and/or jail time? You’re skirting the boundaries of legality and impeding people’s right to freely express themselves and for what? The chance of getting bumped up a couple of spots in the rankings before you get shut down again? I hope it pays well because one’s integrity is worth a lot.

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Words of Wisdom From a Three-Year Old

This is an excerpt taken from the latest Nordic Needle sales letter that arrived this morning. A reader wrote in with some thoughts about getting older. The best was the story she told about her daughter:

My youngest, Elise, gave me a precious gift when I was 40 and she was 3. As you know, “threes” dearly love to comb hair so I let her do mine one morning. Elise stopped combing and remarked “Oh, Mom. You have such beautiful hair.” My nearly black hair was beginning to gray a bit and I felt it was looking a bit “mousey”. Surprised, I asked “Really?! Why do you say that?!” She answered, “It has bits of silver in it and it sparkles when you turn your head.” Seeing myself through the eyes of someone who sincerely loves me as I am gave me a renewed appreciation for the phrase “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” That rare moment of insight was one of the golden threads in the tapestry of my life.

There’s nothing better than the simple truth as seen through the eyes of a child.

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UFO Progress

I thought I was doing well. I picked up a UFO (UnFinished Object) that I starting stitching years ago for our dining room, right after we painted it red. I put in a few hours of work into it yesterday, stitching the entire planter for the bonsai tree in the design. I even scanned it and posted the updated photo into my Works in Progress album.


As I’m putting it away, I look at the cover photo and realize that my bonsai planter is not lined up correctly against the printed background (AT ALL) in comparison to the model shown. Could it be? Oh yes, it certainly was… all wrong. The instructions (and even the chart) say nothing anywhere at all about how the design is supposed to match up against the printed background on the aida. And trust me, if it wasn’t for that background, I would have ditched the aida and gone with an evenweave. But anyway, as a result, when I started stitching the kit years ago, I started with the fabric upside down. So now, nothing was as it should be in the placement against the printed background. And, if you were to see the finished design, you would realize that yes, it does make a difference; a HUGE difference.

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A Stitching Finish

Could it be possible? Does she actually still stitch? Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus… she’s just a little late with your gift. And the Virginia part is actually funnier because that’s my little sister’s name, for whom I stitched a graduation announcement to commemorate her high school graduation in June 2004. I finally finished stitching it tonight, scanned it and it’s ready to frame. I bought the frame a couple of months ago while Christmas shopping, so it hopefully won’t take too long for me to get it stretched and into the frame. Then I’ll have another month before I see my parents to have it relayed back to her, but at least it’s done!

Tomorrow, it’s back to the grind on a model. With any luck the timing will work out perfectly so that the missing floss for the design will arrive just when I’m ready for it. I think I’m starting to stitch faster, though poor Ginny’s graduation announcement isn’t proof of my theory. 😉 I’ve put an older WIP back into the rotation now, so I have two models, a SOLAK square, two ornaments, a pincushion and the WIP in the works while I’m waiting for supplies for an exchange project due in July.

Plus, I found the end of Journey to the Wild Divine: The Passage tonight. A good meditative, calming game to help close out the night. Since it really is a journey, with many meaningful points along the way, it’s not like a traditional game that I’ll probably never play again. There are some good exercises that I can continue to use for relaxation while I’m waiting for the next edition of the game to be released.

And, of course, my flute could use another dusting off. So many choices, so little time, so few of me! 🙂

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eBay It Some More!

Yes, it’s official. I’m hooked on selling on eBay. As long as I can move stuff out of my house and make a little bit of money, I’m happy, so three more items went up for bid tonight. One watcher on an item already (of course, no bids), so it’s a decent start. We’ll see where it goes. 🙂

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eBay, Baby!

Okay, I’m officially pleased with my eBay selling experience to date. I managed to sell all 3 of my last set of auction items. One didn’t get an actual bid until 2 minutes before the close of the auction – I’ve never seen someone snipe an open auction before. 😉 And one of the others had a little sniping war between two bidders at the end. I think the winner was using automated snipe software, so may have had an unfair advantage. And the third auction went to a person from Spain, so my first international sale makes me a little nervous.

It’s not like I’ve never mailed anything outside of the US before… I have a secret stitching friend in Canada to whom I’ve mailed packages every month since April or May and I’ve had swaps and exchange gifts go out of the country as well. However, SELLING to someone outside of the country (i.e. exporting commercial goods), as opposed to sending a gift, is a totally different ballgame. Well, not totally – same customs form, just filled out slightly differently. However, as a seller on eBay, the unknown variable of possible customs duties and/or taxes that the buyer must cover is a little nerve-wracking. I’m sure there are sellers out there who are marking sold items as gifts with no cash value so that all duties, tariffs, etc. are generally waived. HOWEVER, being the honest person that I am, I want to be a reputable business person and not cheat the governments. Even if it seems dumb to have to declare an item worth only $6.00. I’m just hoping that all international buyers are reading the line in my auctions that reads “International buyers will be responsible for any applicable taxes and duties.” Otherwise, I’m going to have the potential for negative feedback. And that would be bad for me at this point in the game. If I were a big seller, a false negative or two wouldn’t hurt, but for a brand new seller with a feedback rating of … 2 … I can’t afford it!

No point in borrowing trouble, though. That’s why eBay gives you the right to respond to feedback. If it happens, all I have to do is restate my posted position on duties and let buyers draw their own conclusion. As long as they bother to actually read my feedback and not just check the percentage and run away… I have to STOP this line of thinking. It is what it is.

In the meantime, I have two more listings written up and ready to submit tomorrow when I get home from work. I’ll write up a third one at that time, as well. Selling in groups of three seems to be working for me. Can’t wait to sell off more of this stitching stuff that I will never use!

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Comments Are Back!

I didn’t implement the anti-spam comment moderation plugin, but I did force some fields that weren’t being filled out before, so I’ll leave it and see what happens. In the meantime, I have disabled trackbacks (even moved the file), since that’s what they’ve been using today and I never get trackbacks, so it’s not functionality I’m going to miss! I also put a spam word filter on the comments, so it may nail some of these guys if they try again.

And actually, I need to correct myself. I did TRY to implement the anti-spam comment plugin but it made a holy mess of my blog and I couldn’t even get into the admin section to deactivate it. After a lot of screwing around and manual file editing, it’s back off. I may try it again sometime later… or not.

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Blog Upgrade Tonight

Okay, since I don’t allow comments anymore, I have no idea who, if anyone is really reading this, but I’m taking the blog down tonight for an upgrade. I started getting trackback spam early this morning and the whole not being able to accept comments, either, because of these jerks is really starting to tick me off.

Looking at the WordPress site, it looks like they’re supporting a lot more anti-spam plug-ins by default with version 1.2.2, so I pulled it down and will upgrade tonight, then install and activate at least one anti-spam plug-in and see how it works.

If all goes well (cross your fingers), I’ll actually be able to turn the commenting features back on! 🙂

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