Okay, so I actually finished the stitching and cutting on Wednesday night, but I didn’t get it ironed, stitched to the bellpull hardware and scanned until Thursday night. Sue me, I’m slow. 🙂
I really rushed through this one pretty quickly on Tuesday and Wednesday, which caused me stress but saved me the additional stress of still stitching it right before I needed to present it! I think it has to have the most mistakes of anything I’ve done since I was a kid. But, unless you know what you’re looking for, you wouldn’t know. I know that the “L” looks off balance, but it’s actually only one thread off in the counting, I think. It’s just a lone, unbalanced character in an otherwise well-balanced set of characters. Nothing I could do about that one, really. The remaining counting errors were done during the hemstitched border portion, so there was no going back. I just had to improvise for the remaining portions after that.
I nearly gave myself a heart attack on Wednesday, though. I had finished stitching and cutting out and was ready to go when I decided to try and pull it back into shape at the top and bottom of the hemstitched areas. My advice: NEVER DO THIS! When it’s done, it’s done; just leave it alone!!! I ended up tugging a portion of the blanket stitched edge right off of the horizontal threads. I mean, big hole. I thought I was going to die. I may have even hyperventilated a little bit. I was sweating bullets – literally! But, in the end, after a few minutes of freaking out, I took the time to weave the horizontal threads back under the edging and now you probably wouldn’t know where it was unless I told you. Thankfully… I would have been absolutely sick if I couldn’t have fixed it.
Anyway, the headaches, heartache and near catastrophies are all over and it will be presented to its new owner today. In retrospect, this is an oddly over-the-top gesture for me to do this for a summer intern, but the gal is a real sweetie with a big heart, so I don’t regret it one bit. 🙂
For good measure, I pieced together scans of the finished product against a white background and against a black background.
I’ll try adding the pictures straight into this post, but I don’t know if it will work:
Please leave me a comment and let me know if you prefer to see the photos straight in my blog or if you prefer to click on links to get to them. Or maybe you have no preference?