At least, to my American friends. My Canadian friends have already celebrated and I hope that those of you in other countries will at least take a moment to give thanks for everything that you hold dear in life. 🙂
Thanksgiving this year has been a bit low-key, as my grandfather passed away yesterday. That’s the 3rd family member in about as many months, so it’s been a rough autumn for us around here. As a result, this weekend will be busy with all of the things that surround a major life event such as this. I’m sure I’ll be happy to return home on Sunday or Monday, just for a little peace and quiet!
Not surprisingly, I had a migraine yesterday afternoon into today. Thank goodness I was finally able to get rid of it this morning. Yeesh! I’m starting to think that Anne and I are long-lost twins living in two different hemispheres! 🙂
As far as stitching goes, I’ve been working on my Chatelaine Tiny Rose Mandala Garden. It’s looking nice, though it seems to be so labor intensive sometimes. I’m enjoying it now that I’ve finally forced myself to pick it back up. I’m also working on a second copy of the Victoria Sampler Baby’s 1st Christmas ornament for another coworker. And, of course, there’s the model stitching that I’ve been doing. And, Anne caught me by seeing the third photo in my lineup of most recent finishes on my sidebar. Ashleigh was the recipient of the ornament that I stitched for the SBEBB Christmas Ornament exchange and she emailed me on Tuesday to let me know that she had received it, so I finally unhid it in my photo gallery and posted a thumbnail in my sidebar. Of course, I then proceeded to not post about it! 😆 So, yes, Anne, it is a new-ish piece. New to you guys, at least! You can click on the thumbnail in my sidebar and/or go to Ashleigh’s blog to see a bigger picture of the ornament. I neglected to take a final photo before sending it off, so what you’ll see in my gallery is a scan of the front and back pieces. I then stitched the two together with fiberfill in between them. The chart only had the front piece, but I repeated the outer motifs to give me some space to personalize the ornament and made it all up from there! Terry liked it so much that I have make another one for us to keep! 😉
Okay, well, that’s a brief catchup on what’s happening with me. I need to limit my computer and stitching time in order to keep the headaches at bay and the top of my head is already starting to feel funny, so it’s time for me to go! I don’t know when I’ll have time to blog again, so I may be silent for a few days.