I came home to a package in the mailbox, one on the porch and of course a bunch of treasures from my honeybunch. 🙂
First, there was an envelope from Paris. I know Isabelle will be ecstatic to hear that not only did it arrive on time, but exactly on the day! She sent me the most lovely scarf in blues and purples with shimmering metallic woven throughout. I hardly feel sophisticated enough to do it any justice, dear Isabelle, but I will do my best. 😉 She also made up a gorgeous hardanger piece. She really is quite skilled at hardanger, though she’d be the first to deny it. It looks like a Victoria Sampler design to me and is just beautiful. It is going to work with me tomorrow, Isabelle, to hang in my cubicle at work. That way, my friend will always be smiling down on me just when I usually need it the most! 😆 Be sure to take a look at the closeup. Didn’t she do a great job? Thank you Isabelle!
Next, there was this big box on the front porch. I couldn’t make out the sender through the sidelight, but when I picked it up it was incredibly light. Hmmmm… OH! I know what it is! Sure enough, it was from favorite US-located kiwi, Jo. She remember that I had offered to pay her to make a huswife (at least, I think that’s what one is) like the beautiful one that she made early in September. Remember her glorious pool noodle project? Well, she made one just for me – with purple fabric, of course, and stars, to boot! She even put a button on it in the shape of a heart with a star in it and, not surprisingly, her sewing is impeccable. Oh, and you can’t tell from the photo, but trust me, the fabric really is purple, not blue. 🙂 I can’t wait to go roll up some of my finishes that are lying around the craft room so that they are protected from dirt and my sheer clutziness. Thank you Jo!
And last, but not least, my treasure trove from Terry. He spoils me rotten, what can I say? It’s a darn good thing I’m such a nice girl at heart! Terry bought me some things I asked for and some things I hadn’t even thought of, clever little boy. 😉 First is a 2 GB CompactFlash card and adapter so that I can load up all of my MP3s and play them in the car. He says it’s so I don’t have to be surprised at what’s in the CD player when I turn it on. I guess you had to have been there to see my face the last time I switched to CD, expecting Black Eyed Peas, only to be serenaded by a slow song from the BeeGees! 😆 Then there’s the book that Robin McGraw (Dr. Phil’s wife) just wrote. I love when she’s on the show and really admire her strength, so I can’t wait to dig into the book and see what she has to say! Finally, the big guns came out when Terry gave me a new digital camera! I’ve been working with his leftovers for a while, a digital camera that we bought before we were married, but I’ve been getting sick of its quirks and shortcomings, so I’ve been looking and agitating for something new. There are too many bells and whistles on his digital SLR camera for me to want to learn just to take quick pics of my stitching and stuff every once in a while. Of course, along with the camera, he had to buy me a memory stick, a reader for the memory, an extra battery (which is a good thing because these crazy things take about 5 1/2 hours to charge!) and a bag.
I’m as happy as a pig in slop. Honestly. I kept poking Terry with my elbow and giving him a big silly grin while I was messing with the camera. Of course, there’s no charge to the batteries, so the fun was very short-lived. So no, the pictures here are not taken with the new camera. But the next ones should be!

Thank you to all of my wonderful friends and family for your thoughtful gifts and your loving birthday thoughts. I love you all and I had an absolutely terrific birthday (my 31st, to be exact)! I’m happy to be what, where and who I am right now. 🙂
Whew! After all of this excitement, I think I’m ready for bed…