This was all started by Vero’s blog entry about stitching places. And so, I’m rising to the challenge set by other stitchers to show my stitching messes! I even had Terry take lots of pictures for you. π Please note that you can click on any of the pictures to get a bigger view. I just didn’t want to overload the front page of my blog with full sized pictures.
First off, you’re only seeing the left side of our “craft room” here. The middle of the room is taken up by a folding card table containing Terry’s boat stuff and right side of the room is taken up by musical instruments and accessories, including my flute, Terry’s violin, a music stand, an electric piano and a computer for MIDI interfacing with the electric piano. Then, you’ll see slightly closer shots of the left side of the room, from the doorway to my desk under the windows in the middle of the room. Keep in mind that the whole room is only 9′ x 12′, so it’s not very big.
The box with the blue lid contains all of my commercial charts. The binders contain the freebies. The clear box contains all of my kits. The two black containers and all of the bags next to the desk all contain my scrapbooking supplies. Yes, I have another addiction…
Here’s a close up of the desk. Pictured on top of the desk are two pieces that I am going to enter into the Silkweaver contest this year. The piece at the top center is going into the jewelry box next to it for a Christmas gift. Also on top are a small scrapbook and miscellaneous little notecards I’ve received, along with two books containing decorative papers for tea bag folding and a magazine on card making.

And the box containing all (or the vast majority) of my kits:

And then the file box containing my charts:

And finally, in that room, we have the closet, which is completely overrun with my craft supplies. On the left, you will see a hanger containing my dozens of Mill Hill Christmas ornament kits. There’s also another hanger holding my larger fabric cuts that won’t fit into my fabric drawers (hmmm… forgot to take a pic of those, let me know if you want to see them). On a hanger against the back are rings containing a lot of my specialty threads, including WDW, GAST and Waterlilies. I also have unlabeled Waterlilies in plastic bags on rings in a container buried on the left side of the closet. On the right and left sides, at the bottom, you can barely see the 3-drawer plastic units that I have which hold various things, from fabric in tubes to fat quarters to finishing to plaster houses and wood boxes for decorative painting. The silver plastic unit on the right side is a 6-drawer unit containing all of my rubber stamps and supplies. On top of that are my 6 Stitchbow containers, 3 traditional floss boxes and 1 mini floss box that holds my Kreinik spools. On the shelf are various crafting supplies ranging from empty scrapbooks to canning materials to wax for candle making. On the floor are my sewing machine, a mini ironing board, a mini travel iron and my sewing supplies. Yes, that closet is definitely all mine! π

Oh yes, and as an added bonus, I have a picture of the Sudberry House items that I bought for a steal at the yard sale in August at their factory outlet in Connecticut:

The final stitching spot for me is my “stitching corner” in the family room. This is the area that I’ve overrun with all of my current WIPS. Sorry I had to block out what was on the Q-snaps, but it was part of the model stitching project I’ve been working on, so no peeking allowed! The notebook on the arm of the sofa was to track my model stitching time. On the little tray table are my blue lined ort basket (which had just been cleaned) and my basket of assorted necessities, including two types of braces for my wrists, extra needles, extra scissors, Thead Heaven and pins and sewing thread for hand-finishing. On the floor, on the frames attached to the lap stands are my Heirloom Memories Sampler and my restarted Bonsai and Buddha.