I definitely pulled out of my slump yesterday. Terry is fighting some sinus issue, so he came back to the hotel a little bit early, so we cuddled for a bit while watching TV, then went for dinner, came back, dozed off for a while, got up again, cuddled some more, then went to sleep. I guess I needed some extra sleep to get me through.
I did go down to the lobby and get some productive work done yesterday. And I’ve been productive so far today, as well, from the moment we got up. The data center was upgrading one of my production servers today at noon EDT, so I was able to jump into work sooner than I have been this week. I’ve pretty much been online since. Right now, I’m trying to decide what to do about having the room serviced. I can’t go offline yet because there was a blip with the server upgrade and it’s not completely up and running yet. I can’t disappear until that’s fixed. I was giving them until 3:00 PM home time, but the two people who can fix the problem have fallen off of the map and they are out of time. I told my users that it would only take 2 hours to upgrade and we’re on hour 3, so I’m mildly peeved. I don’t like having to rely on unreliable people. But there’s nothing that I can do about it, so there’s no point in stressing. Thank goodness for reliable friends who will kick in when I need them!
I even managed to get in some good stitching the past two days. I started two new PIF gifts on Tuesday, finished one last night and just have to add beads to the other today for a finish. Ironically, I completed the over one project faster. I was just able to zone out last night while Terry took a nap and I was watching TV. I then stayed up until it was done, knowing that I was so close. I think that I will need to spend Sunday doing finishing work, if I can.
And that’s my update for now. Another bright and sunny day in Salt Lake City! I cannot believe the amount of sunshine I get through the windows here in the hotel room. It’s better than sitting in the lobby. Terry is going to finish up around 1 PM tomorrow, so we’ll have time to do some exploring. I’m still contemplating renting a car and driving out to Ogden to go to the Shepherd’s Bush store. I just haven’t made up my mind yet. I know that I will end up adding more projects to my 50/65 Project challenge because I won’t be able to hold back. Could be dangerous!
Back to work for me now, though. I hope things wrap up soon because I’m really hungry for a nice chef’s salad for lunch. Mmmmm…