Two sewing classes, I mean. I went to the Joann store and did two three-hour classes, back to back. I feel like I have a much better command of my new sewing machine now. It has its little quirks, but then, don’t we all? 😉
Confidence definitely seems to be the key when it comes to sewing. I do much better when I at least pretend to know what I’m doing. When I inch along, sewing slowly, things don’t seem to work as well. I’ve noticed that before. Take a deep breath and jump in with both feet seems to work a lot better for me. It’s against my exacting (that’s putting it kindly) personality, but it works.
Class 1 was just basics of the machine: what all of the different feet do, talking about different needles and threads, threading the machine, etc. I have nothing but doodle cloths to show for it. Class 2, however, had an actual project that we put together after playing with decorative stitches and threads. I went for the gusto and tried a triple needle with 3 different decorative threads. The instructor seemed amazed that I didn’t overwhelm the machine or break any of the needles in the triple array with what I was doing. Did I mention the part about jumping in with both feet? 😆
So, I came out of it with a teal satin handbag. It’s not perfect, but it’s not half bad:
On the stitching front, I did work on the plastic canvas coasters in the car on the way to and from the classes. Otherwise, I’ve done nothing because I spent 7 hours at the store in classes. So, maybe something to show later this week, now that I picked up the DMC I needed to stitch my winter dragon on Leslie’s RR.
Edited to add:
I had the idea after I finished the second class, which covered decorative stitching with the machine, to try some of the decorative stitches on some satin ribbon, essentially making my own trims. Here are my first two tries, using a green and purple multi-colored metallic decorative thread: