I decided today that I wanted to do a little bit of beading. I started another purse pin, this time with my own materials, so it won’t have the pretty bow pin; it will probably just have a safety pin and a jump ring to attach it to the purse “handle.” I don’t have a photo of it because I didn’t finish it yet.
I also started a chevron design that was going to be a bracelet, but I didn’t have enough length on my Nymo thread after two false starts and having to cut out a knot that formed, so I decided it could be a nice little bookmark. It is only half of the diameter of my wrist.

It’s kinda cute and is made up of jet black, metallic midnight blue and metallic medium blue beads. The scanner didn’t pick up the bead colors correctly at all, so it is nicer in real life.
On the stitching front, I am still working on a model for The Sweetheart Tree, Winter Dragon for Leslie’s RR and a kit that I picked up at CATS by Enchanting Lair called Twinkle, Twinkle. I don’t think the kit came with enough thread (Dinky Dyes silk) for me to finish stitching it without having to buy a skein of at least one of the colors. Kind-of a bummer, but hey, I carry Dinky Dyes silks, so it’s not toto bad.
I am also ready to start a new project after I finish some of the above-mentioned projects. I think it’s going to be Peacock Stitching Chair from The Cat’s Whiskers Design Studio. I have the fabric and the threads, so it’s ready to go.
I am also ready to get back on the wagon. I need to stop buying stash because I’m running out of room for it. So, the goal is to work out of my stash as much as possible. The only exception is an order that I have already lined up from OSL. But, seriously, it’s time to clean house, not just in my stash, but my actual house, as well.
If only I could get my focus back! I need to get my medications straightened out so that I can get back to my normal self. Right now, I cannot seem to work on something for more than 30 minutes (and that is a near-record). I’m waiting for a call back from the psychiatrist. He changed locations and partners again; he really seems to flit from place to place, so I’m hoping to get him on the phone at some point by the beginning of next week. Wish me luck! 🙂