The Ball is Rolling

The fog is coalescing quite a bit faster around the ONS dream now. I appreciate all of your supportive comments and have already talked to two distributors and ordered a start-up guide from TNNA (The National NeedleArts Association). I need to talk to our friend who started his own business a little while ago and find out how he went about incorporating and doing some of the other things that I need to worry about for starters.

I need to start thinking about what products I want to carry. I want to start with just a couple of designers and a couple of fiber manufacturers and slowly start to build up, especially as I build business relationships and gain enough credibility to get accounts with the distributors, attend trade shows, apply for buying privileges at cash and carry markets like Nashville, etc. If you have any input on what designers and manufacturers you would like to see me carry, feel free to leave a comment or drop me an email. I’m especially interested in those things which are more challenging for you to find elsewhere.

So, the fog is still misty, but I have more of an idea of what it will take to make this dream a reality. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in a short period of time when your body reacts as strongly to caffeine as mine does. 🙂

Posted in Shop Talk | 13 Comments

Let’s Talk Business

With the encouraging comments that I’ve received so far in response to yesterday’s SBQ, I wanted to sit down and chat about the concepts for a moment and see if I can’t gain some additional perspective.

The LNS/ONS would most likely start as an ONS. We have a friend who recently started his own brick and mortar business last year and have learned a lot by observing him. I simply don’t have the stamina at this point to be able to be at a store all day, 6 days a week, with no money to hire any employees to help. It’s just really a rough ride for a brick and mortar store. An ONS would be less intensive from a physical standpoint, but would require careful business planning in order to draw traffic. Why would people buy from me rather than another ONS? In order to turn a profit, I wouldn’t be able to offer lower prices in the beginning, so how would I make my shop stand out and be unique? I have some ideas, but I’m not sharing right now. 😉

So, I think the LNS idea will have to remain a pipe dream, while the ONS is a slowly coalescing fog. 😆

Don’t think that I haven’t thought seriously about designing, as well. I’ve even looked into large format printers (and almost bought one when I bought my new photo printer last year) for printing larger charts. Really, with so many designers now doing self-publishing, it’s becoming more reasonable to get a design business started, but keeping it going and making it a success are as difficult as ever. Especially while working full time. I model stitch for one designer who is in just such a situation and it’s very tough for her. I get the sense that she is often frazzled and that burning the candle at both ends is really taking its toll on her.

The relatively minimal startup costs of a design business don’t daunt me nearly as much as a retail store. If I can muster enough creativity (and Terry has had some great ideas as to how he could also contribute design ideas) to keep a steady flow of designs, even if it’s a trickle, I will probably make the leap.

The thought of being in the red with a small business doesn’t phase me anymore, as long as we’re both still working full time. After all, we’ve had our web business for nearly 8 years now, but have never turned a profit. We have several steady customers whose websites we host, but the real money is in the designing of sites, not the hosting. We can’t even begin to compete with the big hosting companies out there who make their money in other ways, so most of our customers are loyal friends and family. We have a good idea of what it would take to make the business profitable, but we haven’t been brave enough to take the leap and have at least one of us stop working full time. Besides, my strong self-doubts about my own abilities are still hindering me from being successful in any creative venture right now. I need to work through those issues, hone my skills, foster my creativity and boost my self-confidence first. If I can develop my drawing skills, I’ll be in much better shape because I pretty much guarantee that if I can draw it, I can chart it. 🙂

I just had a long discussion with Terry over lunch about this whole subject and he’s heartily in favor of taking the plunge. Because we already run a web company and I was of this same mindset when I purchased my latest printer, the startup costs will be near zero for a design company. I even came up with a company name a year or so ago and have had the domain name reserved ever since. I won’t reveal the name until I have a logo to go with it and am nearly ready to go, but it’s a generic name that will allow me to market multiple product lines like needlework designs, dololly/marking pin sets, even jewelry, if I so desire.

Oh my gosh, I am really buzzing now. The caffeine rush from the Excedrin that I took a while ago for my headache doesn’t help, but it does get the ideas coming out fast and furious! Where’s my planner? It’s time to jot down some notes.

Posted in Shop Talk | 5 Comments

SBQ – Are You a Dreamer?

It’s time for the first Stitching Blogger’s Question for 2007 and Renee came up with a wonderful one!

Do you dream of running your own LNS/ONS? If so, tell us about your dream. If not, tell us about your cross stitch dream… maybe you dream of designing, dyeing your own floss or fabric, etc.

Yes, I do. I have seriously contemplated opening an LNS/ONS. It would have to be both in order to be successful in this day and age. I thought about starting up online first. I even talked to Jennifer at Needlework Plus about how she got into the business.

The sticking point for me is finding the capital to start a business. That and incredible insecurity around how to make it work and actually turn a profit. Needlework seems a bit dead in this area, but having some market studies done would help to point me to the right location.

It’s just a big leap to make and quite a steep cliff if my parachute doesn’t work. 😉 But I would so dearly love to hold classes and teach other people the basics of cross stitch, as well as more advanced classes in specialty stitches, drawn and pulled thread work and hardanger. I would want a place that was big enough to hold a good variety of stash inventory and yet still felt warm and comfortable.

In other stitching-related dreams, I would like to become a designer. I’ve had and overheard discussions amongst designers about how much it takes to make a name and get off of the ground. The same as starting a new shop, getting your name out there and recognized so as to draw more business is a daunting task.

So, it all comes down to one of those key life decisions – to take the plunge or not? I have yet to decide on that answer. 🙂

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 9 Comments

Rotation Update – Week 1

I have reached the end of the first week of my weekly rotation and I think that it has been a great success so far. I actually really got into this piece, once I started stitching on it. In posting this update, I just realized that it’s been nearly 2 years since I’ve worked on this piece (last stitch date was February 13, 2005). Seriously, what is wrong with me? Way too many WIPs. I’m cutting them down this year; that’s the goal.

So, here are the before and after photos for this rotation slot:

And now I’m on to Cathy’s round robin piece. I want to have this one finished before our next get-together, so I will put extra time on it, if needed.

Posted in Stitching | 11 Comments

Santa’s Wildlife Stocking

Okay, dear readers, I have a request for you. As many of you know, my oldest WIP/UFO is a design called Santa’s Wildlife Stocking. It’s a kit that was produced by Dimensions as part of their Gold Collection.

I have received a request from another stitcher who is also working on this design, but has lost her chart at some point along the way. Have any of you stitched this stocking and have the chart leftover that you would be willing to send to help this stitcher out? If so, please let me know.

I know there are a couple of us who have the kit and are working on it from time to time, so if all else fails, we can give away the chart when one of us is done, but who knows how long that will take? 😆

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Early Morning Wake-up

Okay, so maybe it’s not early for many of you, but pre-7:00 AM is definitely early for me. It’s been a rough night, with another sinus migraine (though not as painful as the one a couple of days ago) causing me not to get to sleep until after 2:30 this morning. And yet, here I am. Yes. The Maxalt took away the pain (though I feel another headache trying to form, or maybe the same one starting to poke through, but I am studiously ignoring it at the moment), but I have a core of anxiety left behind that kept me from being able to sleep any longer. Plus an empty stomach that is quite cranky from having so many drugs dumped on it in the middle of the night.

So, I got out of bed. Partly to get something into my stomach, partly to get some of the thoughts out of my head and partly to take an additional anti-anxiety medication for a boost to get over this hump.

You see, I’m very nervous about this big project at work. I need to jump on it and stay on top of it since the deadline, while 9 away, is looming quickly for the amount of development work that I’m going to need to do on it. The funny thing is, I thought that this project was going to be different. I thought that I was going to be managing it, but would have some help to do some parts while I focused on the development (while managing it). My last big project was not viewed as a raging success, mostly because I was working in a vaccuum and a team of higher-ups had some opinions on my timing that were never shared with me. *sigh* That isn’t going to happen again, but it is starting to appear that this is going to be another solo effort. Sure I have some backing this time and input from a couple of other people here at the start, but once I set the path forward, it’s pretty much me, myself and I for the next several months. Not exactly what I was hoping for with this project, but something I should be used to by now.

I had a long, involved discussion with Terry about the project when he got home last night (I worked from home, waiting for the antibiotics to kick in) and it helped me to nail down what I think is going to be my plan for tackling this project, plus a base understanding of the existing application that I’m looking to replace so that I can start to get a feel for how to architect its replacement. I was feeling pretty good about this when I went to bed, like things are coming under my control again. Until I woke up in a cold sweat this morning, remembering something the developer of the original application had said that is going to throw a serious monkey wrench (I think) into how I was starting to lay out the application. I’m sure I’ll feel better once I bounce this new realization off of Terry and again gather more knowledge on exactly how things work right now. But he’s not going to be up, with neurons fully firing for that kind of discussion, for a few hours yet. Which is where the anti-anxiety booster comes in, since my brain is going 90 miles an hour and refuses to shut off.

I hate feeling like I’m behind. I hate that this project is not what I had hoped for. I’m used to relying on myself, but I’m very tired of working solo on applications. I’ve been doing that for years. The point is to stretch myself and grow my career. BAH!

Regardless of what this project turns out to be, I am bound and determined to make it a success. And one that people will hopefully take notice of (for once), despite being developed in a relative blackhole of space.

I’m not looking for sympathy or any responses. I know that you all support me in every aspect of my life. 🙂 I’m just ranting…

Posted in Life in General | 6 Comments

PIF Gifting and More

I’ve been on a real roll lately and have managed to get 3 out of 6 PIF gifts finished in the past couple of days. I may have to make some tweaks, depending on the information I get back from people; regardless, all 3 should be ready to go out early next week. I spent some time this afternoon lining up the remaining 3 gifts. I need some information back from people on those, as well, then I will kit things up and slot time into my schedule as I see fit. Some mediums definitely go more quickly than others, so please don’t be upset if you are in the first group. The second group will just take longer. I would do them all in the same medium if I could, but I don’t think that I could come up with enough creativity to crank out 6 distinct pieces. Just too much pressure! 😉

So anyway, that’s where I am. Otherwise, I am plugging away on my rotation. It’s been tough to discipline myself to work on just one piece at a time and I hope that I am not being less productive as a result (though I suspect that I am). We’ll see how this goes, but at least I am seeing progress on Bonsai and Buddha (slot 1), which is quite an old UFO. One of my oldest, in fact. I will show before and after pics of the progress at the end of each slot. Probably on Mondays so that I have the weekend to spend some quality time on each piece. I’m excited to see if I can actually make this work for me!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 5 Comments

Illness Update

Thank you for all of your kind-hearted well wishes. I always hate whining when I’m sick because I feel like people feel obligated to respond in kind and I’m not about that. But I do have to give an excuse when I’m not blogging as often as normal.

I just got back from the doctor’s office, with a short sidetrip to the pharmacy on the way home to fill a prescription for antibiotics. The doctor wasn’t specific in what her diagnosis was, she just said that she was going to put me on antibiotics to help clear up the throat and sinus stuff. Yes, sinus problems were thrown into the mix with the advent of my first ever sinus migraine last night. I was in so much pain, with my throat, head, shoulder, neck and facial bones all hurting at once, I seriously thought that Terry was going to have to take me to the hospital. I was going out of my mind with the pain. Fortunately, I got up and took a Maxalt (my migraine medicine) and within half an hour I must have finally gone out cold because I don’t remember anything until I woke up this morning. It killed all of the pain except for the sore throat (which is now making my ear ache, as well). Nothing is cutting the throat pain. I’ve tried throat lozenges, sucking on hard candy, gargling with salt water, Tylenol and everything I could think of. None of it helped enough to cause any noticeable reduction in pain. I’ve stopped short of using Sucrets (with an oral anesthetic) because I’m afraid of biting my tongue or cheek when it ends up numbing my entire mouth and probably not getting back far enough into my throat to help, but I may try one later, if I get desperate.

For now, though, I’ve decided to take yet another sick day, as last night’s battle plus heightened anxiety about the doctor visit has left me feeling exhausted. I just took an antibiotic and I’m off to bed. The doctor says that I should start feeling better within a day or so, so I’m planning to go in to work tomorrow. I’m looking forward to getting back to normal, even if staying home over the holidays has been an addictively nice feeling. 😉

Posted in Life in General | 6 Comments

Photo-less Finish No More

Here is the photo to go along with Vintner’s Sampler finish from December 30th:

the Sweetheart Tree - Vintner's Sampler

Stitched from a limited edition kit named Vintner’s Sampler by Sandra Vanosdall of The Sweetheart Tree.

The design took approximately a week to finish and will be matted and framed as a gift to Terry.

In other news, don’t expect much bloggity goodness from me still for a little while. I am still sick and have finally given in and am seeing the doctor tomorrow to find out what is going on. I said that if I wasn’t feeling better by the time I was due to go back to work (tomorrow) that I would see a doctor and I am true to my word. Besides, two weeks of feeling ill is more than enough for me, thank you very much. I just hope that they will be able to figure out what’s going on because my throat is painfully sore and I still can’t talk for very long. If I can’t talk, I’m not going in to work. It doesn’t mean that I can’t work from home, if my body allows it, but I sure as heck am not going in and subjecting others to whatever this is.

Off to bed for me now. I’ll be seeing the doctor at 10:00 AM. Just a few more hours; hopefully, I will get some relief!

Posted in Stitching | 9 Comments

Time to Try a Rotation?

I think that I am going to try a rotation for a little while this year. I don’t have enough stitching time to be able to do a daily rotation like others do, but I think I might be able to work through a weekly rotation. I’ll try it on for size and see what happens. 🙂

Slot 1: Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha
Slot 2: Chatelaine Designs – Stitching Leporello
Slot 3: Cathy’s Round Robin
(then Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest)
Slot 4: Small Design Slot
(Sweetheart Tree designs, Just Nan designs, Christmas ornaments)

Posted in Stitching | 6 Comments