SBQ – May 17, 2006

Today’s SBQ was suggested by me and is:

Lately, it seems that many stitching bloggers have experienced a loss of their stitching mojo. Have you ever lost your stitching mojo? If so, how did you get it back and how long did it take?

Ahhhh… ze classic loss of ze stitching mojo. Zis is most serious! (That was supposed to be my Freudian accent.)

I have lost it many times during my life. Some instances were more severe than others. I did not stitch much in college, so I lost several years there. That had more to do with workload than loss of mojo, but still. Since then, I have had episodes of mojo loss every few months or so. I think that sometimes I get burnt out on commitment stitching and at other times it can be a symptom of depression… or exhaustion. Usually taking a week or so off from stitching can help. Also, as others have mentioned, starting a new project or a little something that’s been catching my eye and is a quick stitch will help to jumpstart and reinvigorate my passion for this hobby. It’s always something that can be worked through, though. And thank goodness for that! Not like I don’t have enough other hobbies that could occupy my time (and typically don’t because I spend all of my time stitching), but it is my favorite. 😉

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 2 Comments

Nothing Much to Say

I spent two hours at a local township hearing tonight, listening to a fight centered around a business who wants to move in and might have a negative impact on the value of our property. It’s now past 9 PM and I haven’t put in a stitch, yet I need to get in 2 hours a night in order get this model done on time. Oh well, I do the best I can do!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 1 Comment

Rain, Rain, Go Away…

No, wait a minute, you can stay… ?

It’s been raining on and off for several days here. To be honest, I have mixed feelings about the rain. I think it’s both good and bad for me.

GOOD: Flushes away pollen (my allergies are worse than they have been in years).
BAD: May be triggering headaches/migraines for me.
GOOD: Seems to have reset my emotional/mental health.
BAD: Thunderstorms and heavy rain freak Phoebe out.

I’m in a programming class all week, so don’t expect any wordy posts from me. I’m also still plugging away on a model that I think still needs 30 hours of work put into it in order to complete it by the end of the month. Yep, nothing but pith from me for a little while…

Posted in Life in General | 5 Comments

My New Journal

I’ve been searching for the perfect journal in which to capture some of my thoughts and ramblings for some time now. I was disappointed to find that a huge Hallmark Gold Crown store near work didn’t seem to have a single one. If anyone had a fancy, fun journal, I thought that it would be them. Apparently, journaling has fallen by the wayside and been completely replaced by scrapbooking. *sigh*

I have carried on, journal-less, for months – or maybe even longer because my initial longing to find a journal started sometime last year when I tried to find my old journal amongst the pile of boxes in the basement. I never did find it and it was a fairly nice journal with a blue patterned fabric cover. In fact, it contained an ode that I wrote in my late high school/early college years to the man I would marry someday; something that, at that time, I had intended to recite to that very special person upon our wedding day. And I’m curious as to what I said. The search will continue until I have exhausted all possible locations. In fact, I just had an idea as to another box in which it might be hiding; one I brought from my parents home a little while back. But I no longer yearn to use this old journal. I want to start from scratch, on something with crisp, white, unspoiled, unturned pages.

And such was the long-standing state of affairs this Wednesday. I had long since given up looking for a journal, even a non-perfect one, when I ran into our little, local Hallmark store Wednesday evening, frantic to buy a Mother’s Day card so that I could hopefully get it into the mail in time to reach her this weekend. After we had picked out our cards, one for my mother and one for Terry’s grandmother, Terry wandered over to look at some of the soft, incredibly cute stuffed animals. I managed to resist their fuzzy allure and left them all to reside there, instead of bringing one or more home with me. That took a lot of willpower, believe me. I’m a sucker for really soft stuffedies that I can stroke and in whose softness I can find some comfort when I’m in pain or I’m feeling down. I have a stuffed lion that resides on the back of the sofa near where I sit, within easy reach for just such a purpose, which I bought one day when I was feeling really blue. He’s really soft, plus I like the fact that I can shake him a bit and get his mane to stick out wildly in all directions. Love him!

Anyway, back to my story. I had successfully resisted the calls of the stuffedies at the nearby Hallmark; their plaintive pleas to be taken home with me falling upon mostly deaf ears (especially once I remembered the number of Beanie Babies I have at home, sitting in a box, waiting for a place to be displayed). Just a few feet away, sitting up on shelves against the wall, were some objects that looked suspiciously like mostly photo albums and the like. For some reason, I was drawn to those shelves, though, and I glanced quickly through them. On the fourth or fifth shelf down, a flash of purple caught my eye. I reached down to pick it up and there it was… my ideal journal! Bound in a soft, flexible purple leather cover with the word “Journal” embossed in a script that makes me actually see “le journal” when I look at it, with silver gilt along the edges and a ribbon secured in the binding to mark my place, it is perfect. Glorious! And it even meets my soft criteria because the leather is so soft and flexible that it almost feels like suede, without the high maintenance of suede. So, it in itself will provide comfort in a visual and tactile sense, even as I take comfort in inscribing all of my thoughts and feelings on the beautiful, lined white pages bound within.

Ahhh… it is heavenly. Funny how you can find things when you least expect it, eh?

Posted in Life in General | 7 Comments

Post Office Inundation – Part 2

Continuing yesterday’s theme of overwhelming local post office workers, I took 3 packages to the post office today. Yes, count ’em, 3. One for the SBEBB Melanie’s Exchange, one for the SBEBB Eight-Sided Pincushion Exchange and one for … ??? 😈 It’s the last one that will be the most fun because it’s a complete surprise. I like surprises. Giving and receiving. But mostly giving. Good stuff.

Now you’ll just have to twiddle your thumbs and wait to see the pictures! 😀

Posted in Stitching | 3 Comments

Post Office Inundation – Part 1

I messed up. Yep, I seem to do that every once in a while. I forgot to write out the bills and get them posted. You see, I broke out the bills into different lumps this time, which I don’t normally do, because I’m forever in danger of sending out our home equity loan payment and our T1 line bill late because they each come due at an odd time of the month when no other bills are due. Thus, I tend to forget both of them. This month, I tried something a little different and what did I do? I forgot to send out a much larger chunk of bills. (Where’s a smiley for “uh duh!” when you need one?)

As a result, I broke out in a cold sweat yesterday morning at work, realizing that it was the 10th of the month and I hadn’t yet sent out the electric bill, which is usually due around this time. Not being able to do anything about this from work, I waited until we got home and then rushed upstairs to find a pile of bills to be paid. Thank goodness the electric bill is the only one that was a day overdue. So, I spent a while last night writing everything out, plus writing up Mother’s Day cards to send out to my mother and Terry’s grandmother. There was a nice little stack of envelopes waiting in the mailbox for our not-so-friendly postal person this morning.

Let’s hope I don’t do that again!

Posted in Life in General | 5 Comments

SBQ – May 10, 2006

Today’s SBQ is:

When you stitch from a kit and use the supplied floss do you have leftovers? If so, how much and what do you do with them? If not, do you usually have just enough or do you have to dig into your stash to finish?

To date, I have always had enough floss, which is one of the reasons I lean towards kits for smaller designs. In most cases, I trade away the kit and leftover threads. If I do want to stitch the design again and I don’t have enough threads left to do so, I use the leftover bits as a color reference, if no DMC numbers are given. Usually, at least one color has been pushed pretty close to the edge and would have to be replace to stitch it again.

I would be pretty irked if I had to dig into my stash to finish a kit because there wasn’t enough thread. That defeats the purpose! 😆

On a side note, I often substitute my own fabric for that supplied in the kit. I’m not a huge fan of aida…

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 2 Comments

Career Interest Inventory

Most interesting….

Jennifer, based on your responses, your top career area is Writing and Journalism

Careers in this field often demand that you possess exceptional verbal and written communication skills. You have a natural talent for articulating a message in a way that resonates with other people. Writers and Journalists not only understand and appreciate the power of the written word, but are able to harness that power and use it in their own unique way. Most likely, you enjoy sharing your opinion and perspective with others.

Take stock of what you really like to do at

Posted in Meme | 4 Comments

“Victory is Mine!”

To quote Stewie Griffin. And for those of you reading who have no idea what I’m talking about, Stewie Griffin is a baby who has a serious Napoleonic complex and stars in a cartoon named Family Guy.

Today’s victory was brought to you by the completion of the bottom half of my biscornu for the exchange and finishing of said biscornu. The goodies are ready to go, as well, so I’ll pack everything up and address it off to … somewhere. 😉

Which was proceeded by a victory against a malfunctioning piece of software at work today. I’ve been banging my head against this brick wall for days, with no solution in sight. But it was running by the time we left work this evening, by gum!

Mwuhahahahahahaaaaaaaa (that’s an evil laugh)! Excellent… excellent (said with the body hunched over and hands rubbing together like a bad old mad scientist)! 😆

Posted in Stitching | 6 Comments

1.5 Down…

0.5 to go! Yep, that’s right. I’ve completed the stitching on my piece for the SBEBB Melanie’s Exchange. And, after spending two hours in ACMoore on Friday night, I finally figured out that I only really have one option for finishing it. Kind-of a bummer for me, as I had high hopes for several way to finish the piece, but I guess it makes the decision easier; it just took me a while to accept the fact that I had no other choice.

That was last night’s finish, complete with a great scan for my online gallery (it’s hidden, of course, so you can’t see it). In fact, I think I’m going to submit it for this year’s Silkweaver competition, if they have one. I’m such a tease, aren’t I? 😆 Hopefully, you won’t have to wait too long because I’ll be sending it out this week and it will take a week or so to reach the recipient.

This morning, I completed the top of the biscornu I’m stitching for the SBEBB Eight-Sided Pincushion Exchange. Now, I’m going to start the bottom. Because portions of the design are so time-intensive, I think I have another couple of hours to go before I can put the biscornu together. 🙁 I can’t wait to see my own finished product! This is another one that will be sent out this week, but I don’t know how long it will take before I can show it to you.

Sorry, no pictures, just teasing! 😀

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