A Brief Moment of Silence

I had a little bit of a jolt of reality this morning. I was brushing my teeth and looked at the TV to see what the current temperature was so that I could plan my outfit for the day. Well, during the morning shows, there is a news, weather and sports ticker that runs across the bottom of the screen. I’m standing there in front of the TV, toothbrush in my mouth and I read “Private Travis Zimmerman … was killed in Baghdad….” My knee jerk reaction was to say (very loudly), “Oh my God,” which probably came out more like “oomgdd” with the toothbrush running in my mouth. Terry just looked at me, but I had to wait until my two minute date with the toothbrush had come to an end before I could finally rinse out my mouth and explain.

Travis Zimmerman was a boy in my high school graduating class. He was really short, but very muscular and a talented wrestler. He was part of a tough crowd, so I didn’t know him very well. I just remember that he was the last person to cross the stage at graduation. During the rehearsal, he did a backflip across the stage and the principal threatened him with some random punishment if he actually performed the same move at graduation. We expected that he wouldn’t, with that threat hanging over his head, but, lo and behold, that day he did a beautiful backflip across the stage to cap off our graduation ceremony. I admired his moxie and self-confidence. And now he’s gone.

It’s not that I was friends with him. I guess it suddenly struck me that with all of the lives lost during this war, it is inevitable that nearly everyone in the US will know someone who was killed in the Middle East before it is over.

I am troubled by his death, but uplifted by the memories that he has left behind. Rest in peace, Travis, and thank you for giving your life in the service of our country.

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Yes, I’m finally caught up on my blog reading! Yippee! If I didn’t comment on every single post (in fact, I skipped over a lot), I hope you won’t mind too terribly. It will be much easier to keep up with everyone now. I’m planning on spending 1 hour a day on blog reading and writing. I hope that will be enough!

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50 and Counting…

Yay! I haven’t been this caught up in months!

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Under 100

I am finally under 100 unread blog posts in my feed reader. Whew! I started with well over 200 this morning. I’d probably be closer to the 50 mark if that Outi woman wasn’t so devoted about her blogging. 😉

No worries, my catching up comments are coming soon to a blog near you!

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Mystery Sampler Update

Parts 1 through 5 are now completed. I changed the tiny cutwork squares at the top to Algerian eyelets because I did not feel like wrestling with cutting out those openings in the thick Monaco fabric that I’m using. The coil filling also did a number of the fabric, partially because I had to pull so hard on the Monaco to try to get any sort of lacy effect. Note to self: do not attempt pulled work on Monaco again. Oh wait, that’s right… it was a Mystery!

[Photo removed. See finished project.]

Once again, it’s not the best photo, but hey, what do you expect with me holding the top scroll bar, trying to manipulate the fabric just right, keep the light steady and position the camera, all at the same time? That’s right, not much. 😉

Part 6 is the last installment and will include the hardanger work and the attachment of a few beads. I hope to complete the stitching sometime this week. Of course, I’ll post the happy dance as soon as it happens!

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Happy Birthday!

Just a quick note to say happy birthday to my biological father (Tim) down in Florida. He turned 55 today. Happy Birthday!

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Sunday Morning Musings

Okay, so here’s a thought for you. When faced with the question “Who do you want to be when you grow up,” does anyone ever answer “I want to be exactly where I am, doing exactly what I am doing?” Aren’t we always wishing that we were someone else, doing something different? And what if we were to achieve that and do that? Wouldn’t we answer the question with yet another, different goal?

So, is it the human condition to always be striving for something just out of reach? What about you? Are you looking to do something else, be someone else? Are you looking for a new career? Are you searching for yourself?

Think about it. From the time we are children, we are constantly being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Many children answer that they want to be a superhero or a police officer or a firefighter and some actually go on to those careers. But here is the real question: why can’t we just let our children be children? Why do we encourage them to worry about the future from the time that they are young?

By the way, why does that question inevitably invite an answer that involves a career? Even as adults, why don’t we answer that question with something like “I want to be someone who is happy?” Or someone who feels fulfilled and radiates self-confidence and self-worth, regardless of the situation?

My answer today is – I want to BE. I want to be who I am in this very moment; flaws, zits, self-doubt and all. I am content to be who I am right now. I choose not to worry about the future. I am not defined by my career. I am defined by my character, morals and beliefs. I am a beautiful person, inside and out, and today I am happy. 😀

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery, Life in General | 2 Comments

Okay, So I Lied…

Here’s a photo of my Alchemy Stitchcraft mystery band sampler, parts 1 through 4:

[Photo removed. See finished project.]

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Nothing Interesting to Report

I’ve been feeling a bit blue this week. Requiring lots and lots of sleep (I’m talking more than 8 hours on a worknight, so that I have to take the next day off), which is usually a tip-off that I’m either getting sick or headed into a down spell for a little bit. I wasn’t sure which one it was until yesterday. I was already pretty sure I was going to take a vacation day, but it was cemented by our sleeping until after 1:00 PM. And then I felt completely blah and bored all day. That’s another symptom for me. Being totally bored, no matter what I do. I pretty much have to force myself to do everything that needs to be done, or just ignore everything.

As a result, Terry actually suggested that I spend the day today stitching. I started with some model stitching and then moved on to working on my long-neglected Alchemy Stitchcraft mystery sampler. I’ll be finished with part 4 out of 6 by the end of the day. Even that I’ve been bored with, having to make myself continue through even routine stitching. Ugh. No pictures for now. I’d really like to finish the whole thing this weekend, but that may be a pretty lofty goal since I’m trying to intersperse it with my model stitching as a reward. We’ll see.

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 2 Comments


Warning: This post is just going to be a mish-mash of thoughts and updates. Don’t expect anything terribly coherent. 😉

First, thank you to all of you who commented on my quilt square for Laura. I did enjoy stitching it, so I’m looking forward to stitching all of Titania at some point. Fairy Moon comes first, though.

On the personal, self-discovery front, I had some REALLY good conversations with my dad while we were up there this weekend. I also had to reconcile myself to my Pap’s death some more. Dad suggested that since one of my personal goals is to learn how to draw that I take some time while we were up to go through Pap’s books in his art studio. That was a somber, somewhat surreal and strange experience. I hadn’t been down in his art studio (which is in the basement of their house) for years. It’s in disarray because some furniture pieces have been removed and his work is absolutely everywhere. It took my breath away to realize just how talented this man was. He had such an incredible gift; I wish that I had had the forethought to want to share in his knowledge before he left.

So, we came home with PILES of books. I suspect that most of them will be over my head, but I’ve committed to this personal endeavor, so I’ll enroll in some online beginner classes, if I have to. I hope that with a bit of attention and self-nurturing, I’ll be able to tease out some hidden talent in myself. I consider myself to have a pretty good eye for color and I think that’s part of the battle.

Now to force myself to set aside some “me” time every day, or at least every week.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I’m thinking of taking on a writing project. Lelia will be glad to hear this. 🙂 Terry suggested that maybe I start off by writing a short book about Pap’s life and career as an artist. I gave it some serious thought in the shower yesterday morning (some of my best thinking time) and realized that I really want to give this a try. I’m going to buy a small digital recorder so that I can interview Gram, and maybe some other people if I can do enough research to dig up others with whom I can speak. I’ll have Terry takes some pictures of his work through the years, as I know for a fact that I still saw some of his fashion drawings down in his studio from when he was doing work for department stores. I just have to make sure that Dad and Gram don’t do any more cleanup. 😉

Once I’m done, I’ll actually be able to self-publish real books, thanks to lulu.com. If it turns out well, I could even give out some copies to family members, maybe for Christmas? That’s probably too ambitious, but we’ll see what kind of running start I can get.

On the Dr. Steve front, I’m bored. Seriously. I know that he probably thinks that I’m intelligent enough to just reprogram my negative thought patterns using this cognitive therapy, but I’ve realized that I have a problem. I’m looking for more instant gratification. When I first went to the guy at work, I cried for the entire 30 minutes, put all of this junk out onto the table, received some feedback from him, cried for hours afterwards, processed and then I felt great! That’s the kind of feeling that I’m looking for. I feel the need to dig into some of my repressed issues and work through processing them in a more positive way so that I can let them go and move on with my life.

So, I’m going to have to have a chat with Dr. Steve when I see him again in the beginning of May. I figured out a good analogy on the way home from the visit, as I was talking through things with Terry. It’s like I have several splinters lodged deep within my soul. They’ve become infected and, as a result, my body is reacting with a fever to help kill off the infection. So, Dr. Steve has me taking Advil or Motrin or Tylenol or whatever to reduce the fever and get it under control. That’s great. We’re controlling the fever, but the underlying cause is still there. And until we get in there and dig those splinters out, I’m never going to heal completely.

We’ll see what Dr. Steve thinks about that.

On the stitching front, even if I can stop sleeping through my evenings and actually make some progress, I can’t show any of it to you because the three projects I have lined up right now are a model and two exchange pieces. Ah, those nasty secrets. 😉 But then, you already knew that from yesterday’s post. I did finally get a start on the model last night, and even though it’s bigger than I usually stitch for models, I’m determined to push through it as quickly as possible.

Oh, one last thing. I mentioned that I’ve finished my autobiography for now. Anyone who is curious enough about me to read 15 pages of blabbering is welcome to a copy. Email me if you are interested – jenna at magees dot net.

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery, Life in General, Stitching | 5 Comments