Book Review: Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward

Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #3)Lover Awakened by J.R. Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another emotional roller coaster ride from J.R. Ward. I really enjoyed the depth of the plot throughout this book. I again had a couple of issues with the language in a couple of spots, but I’m learning to look past these and enjoy the story. I think this is my favorite of the series so far!

Update: I have just finished re-reading this book and I thought I would give my review a little more depth. I really loved reading Zsadist’s story and understanding the background of his life and what made him into the “monster” he is. I think the only thing that bothers me is that it’s a little hard to believe the ultimate outcome, given the depth of his pain and damage. But, it is a work of fiction, so it doesn’t have to be completely realistic. 🙂 I am trying to avoid including any spoilers here, so I will say that I think that I loved the tableau that J.R. painted for the reader at the very end the most. There is a lot of meat to this book, more than the previous books in the series, with much more character development for Zsadist, though Bella’s development gets short-changed in the process. Given that the series is about the Brotherhood, though, I don’t mind a bit.

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Book Review: I Ruined His Life by L.K. Rigel

I Ruined His LifeI Ruined His Life by L.K. Rigel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First, if you didn’t read the description, know that this is not a full-length book. It is a shorter novella. Given the fact that I’m extremely busy and don’t get as much time to read as I would like, I appreciated the shorter format more than I expected to. I think I was able to finish reading this in just a couple of nights, reading only before bed. I thoroughly enjoyed the story line. I find myself wishing that L.K. would develop this into a full novel, though. There is so much more character development and space in the timeline that could easily be filled out to create a full-length novel. That said, I was pleased with the amount of story I got for the length of this novella. Thank you, L.K., for delivering exactly what I needed to revive my love of reading!

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Weekend Goals – Results


  • Finish sundress #1 – close enough
  • Finish one hot pink F bomb
  • Pack up PIFs #2 and #3 for shipping
  • Finish PIF #4
  • Email order for PR Fairy Mystery SAL threads and beads
  • Read
  • Eat
  • Sleep
  • Relax


  • Respond to messages
  • Start sundress #2
  • Finish one hot pink F bomb
  • Finish one red F bomb
  • Pack up PIF #4 for shipping
  • Start stitching PIF #5
  • Do some floss tosses on different fabrics for PR Fairy Mystery SAL
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Weekend Goals


  • Finish sundress #1
  • Finish one hot pink F bomb
  • Pack up PIFs #2 and #3 for shipping
  • Finish PIF #4
  • Email order for PR Fairy Mystery SAL threads and beads
  • Read
  • Eat
  • Sleep
  • Relax


  • Respond to messages
  • Start sundress #2
  • Finish one hot pink F bomb
  • Finish one red F bomb
  • Pack up PIF #4 for shipping
  • Start stitching PIF #5
  • Do some floss tosses on different fabrics for PR Fairy Mystery SAL
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Book Review: Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward

Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2)Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this second book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series even more than the first. I was sucked in by the more complex plotline which pulled my emotions all over. There were still some amazingly steamy scenes, but I enjoyed what I felt was the addition of more content to this book. It became an emotional rollercoaster by the end, so have some tissues handy.

And just try to ignore the couple of language errors you might stumble across. There are only a handful of them, so just chalk it up to a miss on the editor’s part.

Update: Having originally read this book in April 2010, I embarked on a re-read in June 2012. I like the depth of development of Mary’s character, but I would have liked to know a little more of Rhage’s past history. After all, he has been alive a long time. I find this to be true for most of the Brothers so far, though. Not all of them get quite the attention to their past that they deserve.

That said, I had forgotten how much I like Rhage’s character. He lives up to his name. I can just imagine that gorgeous dragon tattoo and how it would come to life. I think Rhage might be my favorite brother, but I’m not far enough into the series to make a true determination.

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PIF #3 Complete!

Yes, I did manage some crafting this weekend. I spent a good bit of my time on the couch, sleeping or reading or whatever. The weather was gorgeous but hot and I had no burning desire to leave the house. As a result, I was able to complete the stitching on PIF piece #3 and then do the finishing work on it, as well. I also nearly completed the first sundress, but chickened out when I got to the zipper. It pretty much just needs that and I have to make a final decision on the length and sew the bottom hem.

I gave in on Monday and went to the doctor after feeling extremely tired for several days and experiencing bouts of nausea, one of which had me wanting to curl up into a ball during a meeting. She gave me orders for a bunch of labwork and I had the blood drawn yesterday, but I don’t expect any significant results. I’ve been through this before and there was no underlying cause to be found, so I don’t think that this time will be any different. However, it never hurts to look, right? In the meantime, she gave me a tablet for the nausea and another medication which is an old, old, incredibly old school (Futurama reference, sorry) antihistamine that basically failed as an antihistamine, but has the wonderful side effect of stimulating appetite. I take 1/2 a tablet at night (it also has the side effect of tending to make people drowsy) and, so far, it seems to actually be working. The only time I’m skipping meals now is when I sleep through them.

As a result of feeling exhausted, I had to pass on what would have been my first belly dancing class on Monday. I was still wiped out on Tuesday, but I forced myself to go to my first voice lesson anyway. I was so nervous about singing in front of the woman that my voice shook through the entire song and I nearly burst into tears afterwards. My hands continued to shake for the rest of the lesson. Fortunately, she was very kind. She tested my range and was surprised that I already have a range of 2 octaves. She said that most people start with a range of 1 and hope to work their way up to 2, so at least I have a head start there. 😉

So, now my Tuesday nights are filled with voice lessons. My Monday nights will be filled if I take to the belly dancing classes like I think I will. I have to leave Wednesday nights open for therapy sessions every couple of weeks and Friday nights I’m too tired from my volunteer time at the hospital to schedule anything. That leaves Thursday nights. I was thinking of taking a hip hop dance class. Too much? Probably. Maybe I’ll wait and see how this new, busier schedule suits me first.

In the meantime, I wait. Wait for the blood work results to come back, which I probably won’t hear about until Monday. Wait for Lizzy’s body work to be finished, which may not happen until Friday, in which case I’ll have to wait until Monday to pick her up. I prefer action to waiting, but I also need to learn some patience. I can’t do everything at once. 🙂

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Life is Crazy

It’s true. Life can sometimes be really crazy. Especially mine. Especially now. While I’m trying not to complain because I am fortunate enough to be gainfully employed at a respectable company, I’m feeling incredibly burned out. Like grass circulating through a bovine’s digestive tract, I’ve been chewed up and swallowed just to be regurgitated and chewed on again. Somedays I really wish that the cow would just get tired of me and either spit me out or pass me through the other end. I guess that’s a bit graphic, but I’m at a point where it’s truly how I am feeling at the moment. And I need to vent.

So, we have work craziness on one hand. And then I make an attempt to escape by filling my personal hours as full as humanly possible. I am now volunteering one full day a week, from 9 AM to 5 PM on Fridays, and I even go later some evenings like I did this time. The work is tough, but it’s fulfilling. I work for one of the top children’s hospitals in the country and I can only hope that when I leave for the day I have made some minute difference in the life of at least one child. Honestly, I will never know for certain, but it’s nice to think that I make at least one small ripple in their ecosystem, whether it’s a puddle or an ocean. I think that working with sick children truly must be one of the toughest jobs that you’ll ever love. I realized today that it’s a good thing I have no desire to be a nurse because I don’t think I could do it for long. Talk about burn-out. Wow. They see a lot and do a lot and have a lot expected of them. I already had enormous respect for the nursing profession, but after today it has been magnified. I find that working with healthy children with normal behavior patterns and seemingly boundless energy is challenging, but working with children who are not functioning at 100% provides an even greater challenge. I cannot help but think that, while I know it’s a lofty goal, the ability to change the life of even one child would be so rewarding.

And while I work through the whole dilemma of what I would like to do next, I am reaching out and latching onto my creative passions wherever possible. As a result, this coming week I will start attending a belly dance class and seeking out vocal coaching. I have to admit that the thought of singing in front on someone again after so many years has me very nervous. Of course, the fact that I haven’t made a definitive song choice or practiced in several days when my first meeting with my prospective teacher is on Tuesday isn’t helping that fact at all. I also need to get back to my drawing. I still have so many ideas floating around my head and I need to try to start getting some of them onto paper, even if they are extremely rough to begin with. My mother believes that if you ignore the muse long enough, it will disappear and I think that I would be devastated if that were to happen.

I would also like to try my hand again at the children’s book that’s been rattling around my brain off and on for several years. I had typed out nearly all of the verses in a fit of middle-of-the-night creativity one night last fall on my BlackBerry, but never got around to transcribing it and when my BlackBerry started to fail a month or so later, the guy at work wiped it and reloaded it. Unfortunately, he didn’t back it up first and the book went POOF! I haven’t had the heart to even attempt to recreate it since then. I just really need to get over it and move on. Again, I need to write something down and get the ideas flowing again, even if it’s very rough to start. I know that it will come, if I work at it. I’m just not used to having to work at creative aspects very hard, but if I ever want to make any sort of living at it, I must learn how to work through the dry spells.

On the stitching front, I’ve done absolutely nothing since my last post. I have done some sewing, though. I have been sitting on a sundress pattern for years, plus the fabric, zippers and thread for 3 dresses. I even purchased the trim last year for one dress. I cut that one completely out this past week before I realized that it’s my favorite fabric and I didn’t want to start with that one in case I make a mistake. Granted, the pattern is simple, but I haven’t sewn in a long time and I didn’t want to risk it. So, I then pulled out a different fabric, cut it all out and started the assembly. I have a bodice and a skirt (sans zipper). I just need to attach the band at the empire waistline, draw in the bodice to the correct size, attach the bodice to the skirt and add in the zipper. It should only take me another 2 nights or so to accomplish, depending on how much fiddling it takes to get the bodice to fit (it’s currently way too big). Fortunately, I slipped on the skirt and it seems to be just about right, so I don’t think any further fussing will be required there.

Let’s see, what else? Lizzie (my 350Z – that’s a car model, for those of you non-automotively-inclined folks) had to have a new clutch installed. I got her back last Friday. She’ll get dropped off at the body shop on Monday for repairs, paint touchups and the painting and installation of a spoiler. Then she’ll be done for a while. I’m out of small upgrades and more than out of money to work on her right now. We’ll be tearing down the shed that Terry built years ago and having a two-car garage put in its place. After that, we can buy a lift to be able to do more involved work on the cars ourselves.

Is that it? I’m not sure. It just feels like there’s been so much going on that it’s hard to believe I can sum it all up in one post. I think that this is enough for now, though, regardless of whether or not anything has been omitted.

I have a conference call at noon on Saturday and have work scheduled to begin at 4 AM on Sunday, though I think that things are not progressing well enough to actually proceed with that. I’m breathing a sigh of relief as well as dreading the fallout that will ensue on Monday. However, I think that the weather is supposed to be lovely here, so I’m going to hope that I can make the most of it, even if that means just sitting outside and reading a book. 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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A Finish-Finish and Other Craftiness

It turns out I’ve actually put a few stitches in recently, though most of them have been more sewing-related in the past two days. A week or more ago, I started a new piece (I know, like I really needed another WIP) from The (now defunct) Gift of Stitching Magazine. This design is a blackwork design from Nancy Pederson named Grapevine Sampler:

That is the only actual stitching that I’ve done in the past month or more, I think. Yesterday, I didn’t feel well and had to skip my volunteer duties at the children’s hospital (which bums me out more than you know), so when I started to feel better in the afternoon/evening, I decided for some reason to setup the sewing machine and work on F bombs. Yeah, remember those things? From 6 months or so ago? I’ve had the parts cut out and queued up for a while now, since I bought additional supplies, just waiting for me to run up the main body on the machine. At that remains now, of course, is all of the tedious hand sewing work, plus the making of all of the cording for the fuses. One step at a time, as I still have a lot of felt circles to cut out for the tops, bottoms and chimneys, as well.

Tonight, as we were sitting watching a movie, I decided to finish putting together a bookmark from Tor Rhuann Designs’ Assisi Winter design. I’ve had the sides of the stitching sewn to interfacing and backing for a long while now, but had put off the hand sewing of the ends and the making and attachment of a tassel for the longest time. What made me do it now, who knows? But it’s done! I didn’t get good color reproduction on the scan, so I might attempt a photo in daylight sometime soon.

Now that the summer weather is upon us, I have a couple (at least 3) sundresses for which I have the fabric and thread (just need trims for all but the first one) and just need to cut out the pattern and start sewing. Maybe tomorrow? Of course, those really tall weeds at the front of the house are also taunting me. We’ll see who wins out. Or maybe I’ll clean the house up a bit?

I hope all of you have a great rest of the weekend (or at least what little of it is left for my down-under friends)!

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Finally Able to Show My First PIF Finish

I finally found the time the other week to send off my first PIF gift for this year and Christine was the recipient. Unfortunately, either the USPS or Canada Post struck hard and the glass piece in the front of the pendant didn’t make it, but I let her know where to potentially find more or how to just pull it out and back the back to compensate. Stupid mail. *grumble* Anyway, she seems to be tickled and I’m so glad she likes it.

The design is a Teenie Tweenies design from The Sweetheart Tree named Sweet Valentines. Instead of the charm in the center, I put her initial. I stitched it over one on 36 count antique white evenweave and then finished it in this 1.5″ pendant frame and sterling silver bail and chain. All in all, it turned out even better than I had hoped and I am definitely pleased with the result.

And a close-up shot:

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Book Review: Give Me: A Tale of Wyrd and Fae by L.K. Rigel

Give Me: A Tale of Wyrd and FaeGive Me: A Tale of Wyrd and Fae by L.K. Rigel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found Give Me to be quite a fast-paced story; one that kept my attention and interest. After having to put the book down for a couple of weeks due to lack of time for reading, I found the need to finish it in one sitting, staying up until the wee hours of the morning to do so. It was almost hard to follow in the middle, with a lot of back and forth between time periods and timelines, but it all came together in the end in a way that wrapped up everything into one bundle that made perfect sense. The worlds of fae and wyrders were quite fascinating to me; I dare say that I wouldn’t mind being a faeling with a wyrder’s skills myself. 🙂

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