I haven’t crossed a single x in a couple of weeks now and I have to admit that I’m really starting to miss it. However, I have had bigger fish to fry, including framing and finishing to be done. As good as it feels to complete the stitching on a piece, it’s never truly done until it reaches its finished state. In this case, I have framed (or had framed) and hung a total of 5 pieces this weekend, with 2 remaining pieces ready to go to a friend once I finish the other two in the set.
Here is the crewel piece that was stitched by my late mother-in-law many years ago:
It was badly puckered, so I had to use nylon thread to lace the piece around some matboard because I kept breaking the rayon sewing thread that I normally use, even when doubled. Even then, I actually broke the nylon thread a couple of times. So, the piece is mostly taut and pucker-free, but it is not square. I had hoped to be able to square it off, but it was a trade-off between having consistent tension across the fabric or squaring up the threads. I obviously went for the consistent tension. It is now hanging in our freshly, new-looking powder room (which is almost put back together, except for the trim around the door) and it looks great!
As for the other pieces, Picasso’s Rooster is now hanging in my home office near my college diploma. Snowflake Surprise is in my craft room with all of my other miscellaneous pieces. The other two pieces are in our bedroom – Summer Breeze is hanging over Terry’s nightstand and the challenge piece is hanging over mine.
Here are the final two pieces, the two tiny Janlynn Pooh collection kits, finished in their plastic frames:
There are still two more to be stitched and set into their frames and then they will be winging their way toward one of my good friends from college and his wife who are expecting their first baby next month. They are both huge Pooh lovers, so I thought that these small tokens would be a nice addition to their baby’s decorations until I stitch the birth announcement. I’m starting to wonder if I should make them into a mobile?
That’s enough from me for now. There’s still a little time left in the weekend and I feel accomplished, having done all of this framing and mowed and trimmed the yard, so I might actually do some stitching. If I can drag myself away from the computer, that is.
I hope that you all have a great week!