Birthday Gifts from Outi!

A package arrived on Friday for me from Outi. I opened it and saw a Silkweaver plastic bag with yummy fabric in it, but Outi put a note on the outside that there was something tucked inside the fabric and I could choose whether or not to wait for my birthday to open it. I held off opening it… until Sunday night. In a moment of weakness, I opened the bag, pulled out the fabric and unwrapped the most gorgeous, tiny biscornu I have every seen! The funny thing, Outi, is that I’ve been meaning to make one for myself on this scale, just to have one that teeny and to see how it would turn out. And here you’ve already done it for me!
Outi said that she chose the fabric named Starry Sky and the floss from Polstitches named Love and Laughter just for me. Isn’t she sweet? [Edited to add: Outi says that she hand-dyed the fabric herself!] It’s stitched over one, too. It’s absolutely fabulous! Not to mention that the fabric that she sent is beautiful, as well. It’s a nice warm, neutral color that will go well with several designs that I can think of. Maybe I’ll stitch a dragon on it in your honor, Outi. 😉

Please take a moment to click for a better look at the beautiful biscornu. She even put a star button on it! And I put the pen in to give you a reference on the size.
Thank you so much, my lovely Finnish friend!
BIG hugs to you from across the ocean. 🙂

Posted in Life in General | 8 Comments

SAT Piece #2 Finished!

So, I did manage to finish my second piece for the October edition of the Stitch-a-Thon at The Robin’s Nest. There was a lot to the stitching, so I am beyond happy to be done. And it turned out beautifully, if I don’t say so myself. 😉

Hummingbird RR Square

And here’s a shot of the entire RR fabric as it comes close to completion:

Catherine's RR - October 2006

I also worked on my Scissors Fob Exchange piece, but it’s not done yet and even if it was, I can’t show it to you. 🙂

Posted in Stitching | 13 Comments

Early Morning Wake-Up

No, I did not intend to be awake at 6:00 AM on a Sunday. *sigh* I had a particularly violent dream and I think I’m having a physical reaction to it. You see, my dreams have been a bit more vivid lately and I’m strongly connecting to some of them. To the point where I can really feel what I’m feeling in the dream (or what someone else was feeling, in this case). I mean vivid – technicolor. I can almost remember the feeling after I wake up and I wake up knowing that I felt it in the dream, and strongly. Crazy!

Anyway, cross a violent dream with vivid feelings and apparently you get a severe stomach ache (which turned into an IBS attack) and uncontrollable fits of crying. I let the first few crying fits come through so I could get out some of that energy, but now I’m trying to keep a rein on it. Poor Terry is such a sweet and wonderful guy (cue another crying fit coming on). He woke up and starting rubbing my back and stuff. He doesn’t ask and I feel very badly that I woke him; he’s so supportive, though, and I just have an overwhelming sense of how much he loves me. I finally figured that I’m not going back to sleep anytime soon, so I’ll come downstairs, allow things to process, take a pill for my IBS and wait for things to settle down enough that I can go to sleep.

I’ve had bad dreams before, but I have never had this kind of strong, physical reaction before now. I chalk it up to the fact that I could feel what it felt like for a person who was starting to die. That combination has never happened before. I suspect that part of it is my brain processing what people are thinking is Mary’s inevitable death. Part of the dream was that this woman was shot and wouldn’t die, even though she should have. So someone screamed at her to die and she started to drop like a limp marionette, but then she snapped back up into place, like she solidly refused the die. In turn, I felt what it was like to have the same thing happen to me. To have a fatal injury that started to kill me and to then snap back to life. Really weird.

Gosh, I love my friend. And I really, Really, REALLY hate cancer! I’m tired of it robbing me of meaningful people in my life. As one website said, “Cancer sucks!”

Okay, enough for now. I think I’m going to go back to bed soon. The IBS attack is starting to subside, as is the stomach pain and I’m feeling a bit like a zombie right now, which means hopefully I’m tired enough to get back to sleep. I’ll stay up for a few minutes more to make sure I don’t have another wave of IBS, then it’s la-la land for me! 🙂

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery, Life in General | 8 Comments

SAT Piece #1 Finished!

This weekend is the October edition of the stitch-a-thon at The Robin’s Nest. I have three pieces that need to be finished this weekend.

The first is a special RR for another board that arrived out of the blue this week. The main stitching is finished, but I need to stitch the personalization.

The second is my piece for Catherine-Michele’s RR. I am behind on the mailing date, so am determined to get it out on Monday. I need to finish the cross stitching and then do all of the backstitching, as well.

The third is my Scissors Fob Exchange piece. It has been my commute piece, but I worked from home 3 days this week, so it has fallen behind, as well.

I stitched up my personalization on the surprise RR square last night:

Laptop Angel Square

Now, I’m working diligently on Catherine Michele’s RR. I have completed some major sections and will be starting the backstitching today. After that, I will take it off the the Q-snaps and finish the remaining stitching. I may rotate to the Scissors Fob Exchange piece at some point today to give myself a break, but right now, I’m enjoying the progress!

Posted in Stitching | 6 Comments

Bracelet for Mary

Since I’m trying to rest my shoulder a bit, I decided to bead up the bracelet for Mary. I added a second repeat of the purple because I needed the length, but it also gives the piece symmetry and symbolizes that she is a cancer survivor and will continue to be one. 🙂 I strongly encourage you to click for a closeup because I think it turned out amazingly well. I can’t wait to give it to her!

Bracelet for Mary

Posted in Life in General | 18 Comments

Addressing Comments

Usually I answer comments individually, but I’ve received so many lately that I thought I would just respond here. I hope that you don’t mind. 🙂

First, thank you for all of the compliments on my new hair style. All of your kind words have really helped me to get used to the new cut. To answer a couple of questions about the curls, my hair is fortunately very versatile. It can be curly or straight. It just depends on how I dry it. If I put in mousse and dry it with a diffuser while scrunching it, then it turns out curly. I can also dry it out straight using a large round brush. I’ve opted for curly lately because it seems to behave better and is much easier to do. I’ll try it straight one of these days and have Terry take another picture, if it comes out okay. 😉

Second, for those who have received their scissors from the giveaway, you are all quite welcome. It was my pleasure. There is one pair that hasn’t gone out yet to Michelle as Terry needs to finish sharpening the blades. They will go out next week, probably. And for those who entered and didn’t win, if you haven’t received a pair already, they will be posted soon. 🙂 And Susan, if you are reading, I still don’t have a mailing address for you, so please email me at jenna at magees dot net so that I can send those out to you.

Third, thank you SO MUCH for your overwhelming support of my friend Mary. Angela, thank you for your suggestion of gathering people together to do some practical things for her like bringing dinners, etc. Once she starts treatment, I think that would be a very welcomed gesture and she has a lot of people who care about her at work that we should be able to round up. I know I can always count on the wonderful, caring people who share my life with me via my blog to provide support and inspiration when it is needed the most. You are all very special to me.

And finally, I pulled a muscle in my right shoulder late last week (which is part of what has been triggering the headaches) and it has slowly gotten worse and worse. It reached the point yesterday where I really aggravated it at work, having to use my laptop on a variety of different conference room tables, as I was in meetings all day. It’s pretty sore this morning, so I am going to have to severely curb my computer (and probably stitching, too – eep!) time over the next few days as I encourage it to heal. So, if I’m quiet for a little while, both on my blog and in commenting on your own, you know why. I’ll try to post shorter posts (am I capable of doing such a thing?) as I can.

Hugs to all of my friends in cyberspace!

Posted in Life in General | 5 Comments

How Do You Stitch?

This week’s SBQ was suggested by Vash and is:

Which way do you stitch, i.e. do you stitch /// followed by \\\ on top, or the other way around \\\ followed by ///? Are you left- or right-handed and do you think that this affects the way that you stitch?

Hmmm… this question sounds familiar. I stitch /// followed by \\\ and I am right-handed. I have no idea if this affects my stitching or not, nor do I care, as long as it looks good and is relaxing for me. 🙂

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

The Bracelet-ing Is Coming!

Well, I did it. I stopped at Michael’s on my way home from my Dr. Steve appointment this evening and I purchased materials to make matching bracelets for my friend Mary and I to wear:

I have decided to use the design used for the pink Hope bracelet that I made recently, except the design will be customized with very special meaning for Mary. There will be two repeats of the pink beads, to symbolize her two bouts with breast cancer, 1 repeat of the white beads to symbolize her latest fight against lung cancer and a final repeat of the purple beads to symbolize that she is (and will continue to be) a cancer survivor. The charm assortments along the bottom contain angels on the left side and hearts on the right. I have yet to decide which to use, but I’m leaning towards the praying angel charm, as I truly think that she will love it the best. I will make her bracelet slightly longer than mine to ensure that it fits because my wrists are small and bony. 😆

I’m excited to feel like I am doing something. I will take some time this weekend, I think, to put the bracelets together (I estimate it will take me about 30 minutes each) and then I will see if she’s available for a visit so that I can take them to her and give her a BIG hug!

P.S. On an unrelated note, I tracked down the furnace installer (the company was bought out and moved, which is why their old number no longer worked) and they came out today and fixed the furnace. Yay! We have heat until the new system goes in. 😀

Posted in Life in General | 4 Comments

Life Isn’t Fair

I would count this as a realization, but I’ve always known this for a fact – Life is NOT Fair.

My best friend at work has been having some breathing difficulties on and off for nearly 6 months. She has gone to the doctor repeatedly and was told that it must be allergies. Given that I think we currently reside in a “sick” office building, I wasn’t surprised. However, last week her chest congestion and breathing problems worsened and she became very concerned. She went to the doctor for the third time about this issue and this time he sent her for a chest x-ray. The x-ray revealed that something foreign had infiltrated both lungs, so they sent her for a CAT scan with the contrast dye injected into her bloodstream. She was told that it could be lung cancer, damage to her lungs from previous radiation and chemotherapy treatments or a bad infection. Obviously, she was hoping for the latter. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. Yesterday, she went to her oncologist and received the news that it was most probably lung cancer. They need to run some needle biopsies and several other tests to prove the diagnosis conclusively and determine treatment.

This is where the “life isn’t fair” part comes in. My dear friend has survived breast cancer – TWICE. She also had a small mass removed from her arm a couple of years ago that required no further treatment. This woman has been through hell and back (excuse my language) and now she’s going to have to go through it all over again. Cancer has cast a huge shadow over her life for so many years. Everytime she has a health problem, she worries that the cancer has come back again. And here it is.

I called and spoke with her yesterday afternoon and she was very calm about it, but she did admit that she was still in shock. Of course, my selfish instincts have me wracking my brain to figure out what I can possibly do for her. I found a website that sells products for every cancer known to man (practically), so I filled up a cart. I then abandoned it, thinking that there is always still some remote possibility that she won’t have it and that I should wait until all of the test results come back. I know that it is wishful thinking, but part of me insists on waiting.

And yet another part of me groans inwardly, saying “Not again!” You may remember that all hell started to break loose in my life around this time last year. By this time last year, I had lost my maternal grandmother, my mother-in-law (Mom2) and was a little over a month away from losing my paternal step-grandfather. He had lung cancer, too.

I feel like I’m going through all the stages of grief nearly simultaneously and I haven’t even lost her (and hopefully, I won’t). I am in denial, I’m scared, I’m sad and I’m angry, all at the same time. I just want to beat my breast, look up towards the heavens and scream “WHY?!” I feel an insatiable need to rip the pink bracelet off of my arm, run out and buy supplies to make a new one in pearl/clear, which is the color of the lung cancer awareness ribbon. Better yet, I want to make one in three colors – pink for breast cancer, pearl for lung cancer and purple for cancer survivors – just for her. In fact, I may stop at Michael’s on my way home from my appointment with Dr. Steve tonight to pick up the beads. I feel so helpless, powerless to help her. And yet, I feel guilty because I know that what she is going through is worse and so much more important than my own reaction. But I can’t help her deal with this challenge until I deal with it myself.

I wonder what the life lesson is here, both for her and for me. For her, I told her yesterday that I think it’s yet another wake up call. She has so many things that she has always wanted to do in her life and she hasn’t gone out and done them. I told her that we need to come up with a plan to get her where she wants to go, doing what she wants to do, being who she wants to be. This may be her last chance or it may not. But how can you go wrong with knocking out those important life to-do items that we all put off?

My friend’s name is Mary. Please keep in your thoughts, send her healing energy, pray for her or whatever you happen to do for people in need.

Thank you for allowing me a venue to express my feelings.

Posted in Life in General | 14 Comments

Whatcha Doin’?

That is the ultimate question, isn’t it? Well, let’s see… I spent most of last week fighting headaches and migraines, so I barely stitched. In the meantime, I received a package in the mail that is an unscheduled round robin piece that I need to turn around within a week, if possible. I started that this weekend and then focused most of my time on Catherine-Michele’s round robin piece. My travel piece is my gift for the Robin’s Net Scissors Fob Exchange. I am working on painting some more scissors, as well. Add to that the usual catch-up on dishes and laundry and you pretty much have my week and weekend.

Predictably, with the colder weather setting in, our furnace decided to die on Saturday. That means we’ve been without heat for more than two days now. I think it’s being dramatic because it knows that we’re having a geothermal system installed in a couple of weeks. 😉 Fortunately, we have a gas fireplace to keep the downstairs warm and a small electric heater for the bathroom in the morning. We went in to work today, hoping to escape the chill in the house, only to find that the heat is not working in our office. I am not in the least bit surprised since we had weeks of problems with the air conditioning in the dead of summer. I predicted back then that we would have problems when it came time to turn on the heat. People were sitting around all day today in coats and sweaters. It’s more comfortable in our house than it is at work! Plus, they screwed up and accidentally locked us out of our office area today. The door could only be opened from the inside, as none of our access cards seemed to unlock the door.

On the furnace front, we met with the geothermal installer and the driller this afternoon and have an approximate installation date of November 1st and 2nd. In the meantime, the current system is still under warranty, so Terry looked up the original installer’s information and tried to call them, but the number is out of service. He called and left a message with the customer service person from the builder, but we haven’t heard back yet. Can you tell it’s Monday? 😆

And now, some photos that you’ve been asking for. I put the scissors on the scanner, but the picture isn’t so great. You just can’t capture this paint very well digitally and I’m feeling lazy. The two color-changing pairs are going out, so perhaps the recipients will take better pictures. 😀

The longest pair at the top left were painted using leftovers of the paint used to touch up my Grand Am. I’m keeping them, so they will be a reminder of my first car, now that it belongs to my sister. 🙂
The tiny pair on the top right were painted using red-gold color shifting paint. The pair at the bottom were painted using green-purple color shifting paint.

Here are some long overdue CATS pictures, partially to show the previous length of my hair. 😉 Sorry the photo of me and Cathy is in black and white, but the white balance on Terry’s camera was off, so the photo turned out blue. Grayscale was the best I could do, since I have been unable to fix the colors to my satisfaction in Photoshop:

Patti, Jo and Jenna

Patti, Jo and Me

Jenna and Cathy

Me and Cathy

Sandra Vanosdall and Jenna

Sandra Vanosdall (The Sweetheart Tree) and Me

And last, but not least, a picture of me and my new hair-do. It still isn’t behaving for me yet, but I tried styling it curly yesterday and it turned out reasonably cute, so I had Terry snap a photo of me, sweats, no makeup and all:

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 18 Comments