Diagnosis: sinusitis migrainus ouchus πŸ™

I have a whole new respect for shop owners. It’s hard to run a business with a migraine. I pushed through it anyway and then had to take the medicine that mandates sleepy time.

I stayed home all day and tried to soothe my pain by fondling my stash and buying a few threads from myself. The Belle Soie silks from Crescent Colours are really luscious and I just couldn’t hold out anymore. πŸ™‚

Last night, we bought Terry some clothes for his conference and new luggage. The funny thing is that, for once, buying something actually made me happy. I had fun playing with my new suitcase and packing it. Sounds silly, but it’s true. I also had fun picking some fibers tonight. Yummy… πŸ™‚

Posted in Life in General | 12 Comments

Picture-less Stitching

I stitched a good portion of the weekend, in between endless loads of laundry, but I have no pictures to show for it. Partially because some of the stitching was for PIF gifts and partially because I was too lazy to go get the camera.

I finished Part I of Barnabee’s Quest, rolled it up into the scroll frame and started the border on Part II. If I’m feeling motivated when I get home tonight, I might unroll Part I and snap a photo. It depends on how late we get home, as Terry needs new clothes and the impending trip to Utah pretty much necessitates that he stop procrastinating and go shopping.

I was ready to put together one PIF gift when I realized that I had stitched the two parts on two different counts of fabric. ARGH! That was mildly off-putting. I haven’t really touched it too much since pulling a new piece of fabric with the correct count and making a small start. It was looking really nice, right up until I figured out that I had blown it. πŸ˜†

I have to make some decisions on what projects to take with me next week. I don’t like to travel with projects on frames or even QSnaps, so that rules out quite a number of projects, though I might take the 6″ QSnaps with me. I’m worried about lack of space in my suitcase, as well, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I think the reuse of some clothing will be in order.

Okay, I’m just rambling now. I’ll try to get at least one picture to post this week, to liven things up a little. πŸ™‚

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 10 Comments

Really Good Rant Comments

I just had to write and acknowledge two ladies who left really good comments to my little egocentric hissy fit from the other day. Both Terri and Trish took the time to make really good points and I hope that you will take a minute to read both of them.

To summarize, though, Terri and Trish both pointed out the other side of the coin. Imagine if you were the customer whose order was bumped back another day. You wouldn’t be a happy camper, either. And Terri went on to say that she probably would not return to a shop if she found out that they did that, just because another customer called and just had to have their order sooner. Trish made the really good observation that I’ve known about this trip long enough to have been able to place the order earlier, so it really does become a case where lack of preparedness on my part should not become an emergency on anyone else’s. That one really hit home because usually I am a lot better organized. I know when I read a comment and it feels like I just took a sucker punch to the gut that someone has struck gold. πŸ˜‰

Well stated, both of you! Thanks again for taking the time to give me other ways of looking at the situation. The funny thing is that I used to think I was pretty good at putting myself in the other guy’s shoes, but I really missed the boat on this one because I was too wrapped up in my own selfishness. Whew! What a humbling learning experience. πŸ™‚

Posted in Life in General, Shop Talk | 5 Comments

Short Customer Service Rant

I’m sorry, but I’m mildly cranked and I just have to rant. I feel like I’m allowed to now, especially, because I’m a shop owner myself.

I called a to-remain-unnamed needlework shop this afternoon in search of a pair of the airline-approved Dovo round-tip scissors. This is important because I NEED to be able to stitch on the 5 hour flight to Salt Lake City. No ifs, ands or buts. And I would seriously prefer not to run the risk of an over-zealous TSA employee deciding to confiscate my scissors, even if their own website says that sharp pointed scissors under 4″ in length are allowed.

So, anyway, I call and ask if they have them in stock. She politely puts me on hold and goes to check. She comes back and says that yes, they have them in stock. GREAT! 1 point to them. Then I ask her if it would be at all possible to get them out tomorrow via Priority Mail because I need them right away. This is where it gets dicey. She hesitates, so I kindly mention that I’m aware that their shipping department is a bit backed up right now, but I am leaving for a trip next Saturday and really need to have these so that I can take them on the plane. She says that they are backed up one week on order shipments. ONE WEEK! Holy cow! I would move heaven and earth to keep that from happening, if at all possible. But, she says that she will bump me ahead of a few other orders and see what they can do.

So, here I sit, with a $28 pair of Dovo scissors ordered that I may or may not get in time. Do you think that I am a satisfied customer? Um… no.

And here is where I proudly get to proclaim – NOT IN MY SHOP! I’m sorry, I know that they might be in a tough spot if they are that far behind in orders, but if I had gotten that phone call, my response would have been something like this:
“Yes, we have those in stock. I will make sure that they are packaged up and go out with tomorrow’s orders. Using Priority Mail, they should arrive sometime next week before you leave. If, for some reason, they do not arrive in time, please call me once you’re back in town to discuss whether you want to keep them or return them. But, I will do my best to get them to you next week.”

End of discussion. No excuses about how backed up the shipping department is or how difficult it might be. Just do it. If I were that woman, I would have personally picked up the package of scissors, walked them back to shipping and ask for them to be packaged up right that minute. Because, really, if you are that far behind with your orders, is anyone going to notice if their package arrives one day later? And with a package that small, how much impact would it truly have?

But that’s just me…

Needless to say, had I had any other options of places to order these, I would have started elsewhere. Gosh, I can’t wait until I have the money to be able to order stuff like that for One Star’s Light. I will try my absolute best to NEVER leave a customer hanging like that. I can either do it or I can’t.

“Do or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda

Posted in Shop Talk | 13 Comments

SBQ Catch-Up

January 24th:

What company produces your favorite hand-dyed fabric? Are there any companies whose hand-dyed fabric you do not like? If so, why?

I mostly use Silkweaver, but that’s mainly due to familiarity. I have also ordered some small cuts from Sugar Maple, I believe was the company name. I find that I don’t use hand-dyed fabric terribly often. I tend to reach for standard,neutral-colored fabrics first, unless I stop and make a conscious effort to use special fabric.

February 7th:

Have you ever been to a stitching retreat?

No. I’ve nearly gone to 2 or 3, but I was unable to justify the cost.

February 14th:

Do you like to buy Ò€œchartpacksÒ€ that include charms, buttons, and/or beads or do you prefer to gather all materials yourself?

Yes, I do. I have trouble gathering specialty items and sometimes it is overkill to buy a full packet of beads when you only use a dozen or so. I think that The Sweetheart Tree does a really good job with their embellishment packs, as does Just Nan and The Victoria Sampler.

February 21st:

What is the smallest count fabric you have ever used? Did you stitch over one? Conversely, what is the largest count fabric you have ever used?

The smallest fabric that I have used to date is 36 ct linen. I would like to use 40 ct at some point and I have a cut of it, just need to find a good project for it. The largest count fabric that I have used is 11 ct Aida. I had to use this for a panel for the Flight 93 quilt and I really didn’t care for it. I had to use 3 strands, I think, to get better coverage. I think that the highest count that I’ve stitched on over one is 32 ct.

February 28th:

Do you find yourself stitching faster when you are getting to the end of a design?

I don’t stitch quickly. Period. However, like others have noted, I do tend to focus more time on a piece when I am reaching the end.

March 7th:

Do you use your needle, a seam ripper, or something else when you have to frog stitches? Why do you use the method that you do?

Definitely a needle. I would not want to harm the fabric at all. If I have to use scissors, I will pick the thread up off of the fabric with the needle first. Good, sharp seam rippers I would never use because the chance is much greater that you could easily slip and cut more threads than intended and/or cut the fabric. Besides, I’m a clutz. πŸ˜›

Posted in Stitching Blogger's Question | 1 Comment

Canvas Question

Okay, I have never worked with canvas, but I now own two quick pillow kits done on painted canvas and I would like to start one, but I don’t know where to start. I’m assuming that I need to stretch the canvas somehow? I have no idea how to do this or what to buy to do it, but I’ll be going past a Michael’s tomorrow night on the way home from my Dr. Steve appointment, so if I get an answer before 5 PM, that would be great!

So, what do I need? Stretcher bars? If the design is 16 x 16 inches, how big of stretcher bars do I need? 16.5″ square? I assume that they are wooden? And I need tacks to tack the canvas to the wood? Sorry for the newbie questions, but, well… I’m a newbie. πŸ˜‰

Posted in Stitching | 8 Comments

I Stitched!

Oh yes, that’s right. I actually stitched a little bit this weekend, in between loads of laundry, packaging orders, writing up customs forms and working on the accounting side of the business. And I have a little happy dance to show for it!

I blame this totally on Jenn, but it’s a good kind of blame. πŸ˜‰ She stitched up a lovely shamrock design a couple of weeks ago that was a freebie from Tor Rhuann Designs. Being of Irish descent, I absolutely had to check out this design and thought that a quick stitch might lift my stitching spirits. So, Saturday morning, I pulled a smidgen of floss from a Dinky-Dyes grab bag, a small cut of fabric, a couple of Kreiniks and went to town! A couple of hours later, I was done.

As soon as I started the design, I thought “This would fit into a WhimZi frame quite nicely!” So, I pulled my Christmas angel out of her WhimZi and held it up to the inner border that I had stitched and it fit! Of course, because I couldn’t stitch the lovely little celtic know outer border, I am going to try to stitch it again this week and make it into a hanging ornament or something. Even if I don’t keep it for myself, I know a guy at work who is very proud of his Irish heritage who might like to have it.

I also worked on one PIF gift on Saturday, started and half-finished another PIF gift on Sunday, with some ideas for accessories floating around in my brain.

I shipped out all of the ONS orders this morning, plus 60 charts to Periphaeria Designs (I’m Outi‘s printer, in addition to being her exclusive US distributor), so I can definitely take some more time to stitch and work on more laundry tonight. Woohoo!

Posted in Stitching | 13 Comments

March Stitching Goals

  • Start and complete one Christmas ornament
  • Work on Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest
  • Work on Alma Lynne – Computer Wizard
  • Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha

I’m holding myself to nothing, though. I will stitch while in Utah, but anything else remains to be seen. πŸ˜‰

Posted in Stitching | 3 Comments

February Stitching Goals in Review

  • :mrgreen: Start Just Nan – Barnabee’s Quest
  • Start and complete one Christmas ornament
  • πŸ™ Work on Dimensions – Bonsai and Buddha
  • πŸ™ Work on Chatelaine Designs – Stitching Leporello

I also started a new SAL on Alma Lynne’s Computer Wizard with Zohrah and Chiara. I think that I will not be working on the Leporello until I free up a little more time for stitching. For now, though, with the ONS coming online, I am going to stick to working on one WIP (Bonsai and Buddha).

All things considered, it’s amazing that I even had time to pick up a needle at all this month!

Posted in Stitching | 3 Comments

We Have a Winner!

As promised, I am announcing the winner of the guess my ONS name contest.

Congratulations go to…

Jenn L.!

Jenn will be receiving a prize package provided by One Star’s Light Needlework Supplies and Periphaeria Designs, consisting of one copy of Ring of Roses #1 by Lady Periphaeria (our own dear Outi!) and 3 skeins of floss specially chosen by the Lady to go with this design.

Again, thank you to all who played and everyone who joined in spirit. πŸ˜‰ Watch my ONS home page for future contest announcements.

Posted in Shop Talk | 5 Comments