Stitching Finish

Yes, your eyes do not lie – this is my 3rd post today. What can I say? The SBQ and this happy dance were waiting for me to take pictures, which I did tonight.

I finished this month’s ornament for the Chartswappers JCS Ornament SAL in record time. I was able to pretty much start and finish it while Terry was mowing the lawn yesterday evening, so just about an hour or two. The August ornament was Sapphire Star by Patricia Bage of Patricia Ann Designs.

I’ve been looking forward to this one for several reasons. One, I expected that it would be a quick stitch (woohoo!). Two, it uses my current favorite Waterlilies color, Blue Lavender. Three, it’s the kind of symmetrical, geometric type design that I like so much, done in pretty sparklies and silks. How can you go wrong?

My only complaint is that it was stitched on white opalescent lugana, with straight stitched accents using Kreinik Very Fine Braid #4 in 032 (pearl), which is … a white opalescent. It blends in with the fabric and minimizes the impact. But hey, I’m too lazy to rip it out and redo it in 001 (silver) to match the beads and I’m sure that whomever the recipient ends up being won’t really care. Though, at the rate I’m pumping out ornaments this year, I may not be able to find enough people onto which to pawn these off!

Sapphire Star

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Stitching Blogger’s Question of the Week – 08/24/2005

Today’s “Stitching Blogger’s Question” was suggested by Melissa and is:

What’s the largest project you’ve ever done? What’s the smallest?

The largest project that I’ve finished and kept for myself is Frost Fairy from Barbara Baatz’s book of designs entitled Faeries. I finally finished this in college, after it had been a UFO for many years.

Frost Fairy

The smallest project? Are you kidding me? I love small projects, so a lot of what I do is small. I haven’t done any of the teeny projects on 40 ct. gauze or that would make the list. Otherwise, all of my Mill Hill Tiny Treasured Diamonds ornaments might fit the bill, but there are 7 of them to date so I’m not going to post them here, you’ll have to follow the link. 😉

Also, my Tea for Two pincushion in a teacup was pretty small, as was the July Exchange scissors fob and the Pincushion Heart ornament – all from last year.

Tea for Two
July Exchange Scissors Fob
Pincushion Heart Ornament

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The Treemen Cometh

We’ve finally managed to get someone out to take down the 4 trees (2 are completely dead; 3 could have hit the house) we’ve been trying to get rid of for a year. The two poplars are the dead ones, of course. The other two are hickory and oak, so should make some nice firewood for someone, hopefully.

One of the two guys climbed the hickory tree to cut it in segments because it’s just feet from the shed and the house. That was scary to watch, since I looked out the window just after he cut off the first large segment and he was clinging to the tree, waiting for it to stop swaying. He was really far up (ended up going even further) and it wasn’t a terribly wide tree. 😯

They felled each of the two tall trees along the driveway with just one cut a piece. What a thud those made hitting the ground! It’s a unique sound, with sound waves resonating through the wood to create one tone at the same time that the ground resonates with another tone. I can’t even explain it much less begin to reproduce it.

The large, VERY dead poplar at the front shattered into myriad pieces everytime they cut off a major segment. What a mess to cleanup! Terry said that he saw one of the guys scoop something out of the first part they cut and put it into another tree. I asked them later when they took a lunch break what it was, turns out there were baby squirrels in the tree! Hopefully, the mother will come back for them.

For just two men working on four trees, they went pretty quickly (less than 6 hours). I have to say that I’m rather impressed. Definitely not an easy job. I feel like such a … girl. 😆 The owner will be back to grind out the stumps and settle the bill another day. I already transferred the funds out of savings, so I really don’t care. He was able to give us some advice on relatively fast growing, but hardy and strong, trees to plant as replacements.

I had to lock poor Phoebe pup in our bedroom for a good bit of the time they were here. She was having a conniption with all of the noise of the trees coming down and the chipping. I felt bad about that, but it kept her from barking, for the most part. Combine a barking dog with Terry on a conference call with consultants on speakerphone and it just doesn’t work. The round ball of sound energy waves that come out of her mouth and assault my eardrums when she’s close to me and at just the right position is quite amazing. I guess today is an audibly enriched day. 😉

The landscape of my front yard is so changed now. It seems barren and empty and … *gasp* … sunny! Makes me want to cry, actually. 😥 *sniff* I’m very attached to my trees (and my privacy!) and it’s been a long, upsetting saga with this lot since day 1. We started with the only fully wooded lot in the development. I sat and cried my eyes out when they first cleared it to start building. And now we’re having to take down half of the trees that they left in the front. We paid a $5K premium for a wooded lot, another $4K charge to clear it for building and now another $1K to clear more of it. *sigh* Next will be probably be another $1K to install new trees. Maybe more, since I’m going to want something bigger than just the little puny starter trees that will take 15+ years to create reasonable shade and privacy. *bigger sigh*

Gosh, am I whiney or what? Sorry about that! I feel like I run the risk of sounding like Eeyore sometimes. Honestly, though, life is good, in general. I’m thankful for what I have, including the money to be able to remove my beloved trees and the ability to replace them.

Posted in Life in General | 1 Comment

Life Explained

On the first day God created the dog. God said, “Sit all day by the
door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I
will give you a life span of twenty years.”

“The dog said, “That’s too long to be barking. Give me ten years and
I’ll give you back the other ten.”

So God agreed.

On the second day God created the monkey. God said, “Entertain
people, do monkey tricks, make them laugh. I’ll give you a twenty
year life span.”

The monkey said, “How boring, monkey tricks for twenty years? I don’t
think so. Dog gave you back ten, so that’s what I’ll do too, okay?”

And God agreed.

On the third day God created the cow. God said, “You must go to the
field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have
calves and give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life
span of sixty years.”

The cow said, “That’s kind of a tough life you want me to live for
sixty years. Let me have twenty and I’ll give back the other forty.”

And God agreed again.

On the fourth day God created man. God said, “Eat, sleep, play,
marry, and enjoy your life. I’ll give you twenty years. ”

Man said, “What? Only twenty years! Tell you what, I’ll take my
twenty, and the forty the cow gave back and the ten the monkey gave
back and the ten the dog gave back, that makes eighty, okay?”

“Okay,” said God, “You’ve got a deal.”

So that is why the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoy
ourselves; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to support
our family; for the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain
the grandchildren; and for the last ten years we sit on the front
porch and bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you.

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Hot Off the Scanner!

The two quilt squares stitched from motifs from a design by Ursula Michael that I purchased from Patterns Online are finally finished! It’s a miracle… I would have finished them this weekend if that as-yet-unidentified truck hadn’t hit me. 😉

Seriously though, I am WAY glad to be done with these. I just have to backstitch on some quick personalization and then toss them into the mail tomorrow. Then it’s back to model stitching. I think I’ll give myself a brief treat this weekend and stitch this month’s ornament for the Chartswappers JCS Ornament SAL. This month is the Patricia Ann Designs ornament called Sapphire Star. It’s gorgeous and looks to be a relatively quick stitch – anything will be quick compared to these blasted quilt squares!

But for now, it’s back downstairs so I can retrieve my brownies from the oven that I’m baking for a brownie sundae fundraising event tomorrow at work. Then I can crawl into bed, if I’m lucky. I’m tired… 🙁

Bunny Quilt Square
Rocking Horse Quilt Square

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

Unkymoods is Officially Gone!

Well, I finally found an answer. It took a while, but I finally found Mr. Unky via the back door that is Can Hed Comix. This was his free comic strip that is also currently unavailable. Sounds like the guy had a rough time trying to keep Unkymoods afloat.

Here’s what Mr. Unky (a.k.a. Marc Lutz) had to say:

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hi there.
Remember me? I’m the guy who created Can Hed Comix a long while ago, and I used to post the comic strips on this web site. Well, I’m back, and I have news for those of you who are interested. Here’s the nutshell version. is no longer in existence. It had a good run. It made people happy. Ultimately, the hosting issues and the overall programming issues made me unhappy, and that’s just not proper. It’s either going to fade away for good, or I’m going to sell it. Any takers?

Ducks In Lodi is about to celebrate its one-year anniversary with the Lodi News-Sentinel. It has gone from being published twice a month (or every other week) to being published weekly. Huzzah for the quackers!

Can Hed Comix is still in existence, but only drawn when I have the time and inspiration. I’ll be working on setting up the archives of the old stuff for you die-hard fans.

That’s about it. More soon!

– Marc, 11:18 PM

I can sure sympathize with you, Marc! I can only imagine the kind of bandwidth needs Unkymoods had. If you had an email address somewhere (and I will go digging for one after posting this), I would like to write and talk to you about your experience with Unkymoods. I’d like to explore what possibilities might lie ahead for such a great service. Maybe sell the mood sets off to blog owners at a certain set price? Or find someone with unlimited bandwidth (this would unfortunately not be me) to take over? Or find a way to fund it with advertising? Or something?

If you happen to read this, please contact me at jenna at magees dot net (I’m sure you can form this into a reasonable email address 🙂 ).

Posted in Life in General | 9 Comments

Did Anyone Catch the License Plate Number of That Truck?

Or it could have been a bus… make it a double decker. Or a very large recreational vehicle. Whatever it was, it hit me like a ton of bricks this weekend!

Sorry for not blogging, but I’ve been completely wiped out. On Saturday, I could barely move – at all. Fortunately for me, Terry was able to carry me up and down the stairs when I needed it. Seriously. I couldn’t even walk. I felt as weak as a newborn kitten and as spacey as an astronaut. I pretty much just slept and watched TV. Whatever didn’t entail moving.

Sunday I paid for missing my medicine on Friday night. 🙁 Wah! It was inevitable, I knew, but it still doesn’t make me like it at all. I had the vision disturbances around noon, signaling an impending migraine, but some Excedrin nipped it in the bud. A slip while cleaning the shower on Sunday night didn’t improve things at all. Fortunately, a nice soak in the tub seems to have kept the muscles from tightening up and/or spasming.

Today, I’m back to feeling really spacey. The last time I felt like this was when I figured out I was having a reaction to DayQuil (non-drowsy… HAH!) and slammed my finger in a desk drawer at work. So, the future for me is uncertain today.

Unfortunately, with all of the wierdness this weekend, I didn’t get a lot of stitching accomplished. This truly bites because I said that I would post the two baby quilt squares today. Neither is finished. Plus, I have models I need to be stitching. Argh! 😯 Well, I have to feel better before I can be effective. There just isn’t any way around that. Hopefully, people will understand!

Posted in Life in General, Stitching | 1 Comment

Getting to Know Me… Getting to Know All About Me

Isn’t that a song? Anyway, this one’s going around the blogs, so I figured I’d join in since I don’t have anything better to blog about at the moment.

(Edited to say: I first found this on Laura’s Blog, so I should give her props!)

  1. What time did you get up this morning?
  2. 10:00 AM. Yes, I do work full-time and no, this is not normal for me. It’s been a rough week…

  3. Diamonds or pearls?
  4. Well-cut, high quality diamonds. Though Terry did buy me the most beautiful strand of imported pearls last Christmas!

  5. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
  6. Star Wars I: Phantom Menace? Seriously, I’m too cheap to go to the movie theater. I’ll watch several movies at home on HBO or Starz for about the same price, thank you very much. 😉

  7. What is your favourite tv show at the moment?
  8. CSI, CSI Miami (I don’t care for CSI NY), any Law & Order, Cold Case, Amazing Race (when it’s on).

  9. What did you have for breakfast?
  10. A Cracker Jack butter toffee rice cake.

  11. What is your middle name?
  12. Lynn.

  13. What is your favourite cuisine?
  14. No one cuisine in particular. Chinese is always good, as is seafood.

  15. What food do you dislike?
  16. Anything too spicy. I have a sensitive digestive system. Besides, I prefer flavor, not heat.

  17. What is your favourite crisp flavour?
  18. Blackberry. With french vanilla ice cream.

  19. What is your favourite song?
  20. Anything by Coldplay.

  21. What kind of car do you drive?
  22. My car is a 95 Grand Am GT (which currently needs a new battery and an inspection). The truck we use most of the time is an 02 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer edition.

  23. Favourite sandwich?
  24. Fresh, sliced deli turkey with mayonnaise and some crisp, fresh lettuce on top. Sliced tomatoes are a bonus. 🙂

  25. What characteristic do you despise?
  26. Dishonesty and arrogance, particularly unfounded arrogance.

  27. Favourite item of clothing?
  28. My lime green cotton pique skort from Land’s End.

  29. If you could go any where in the world on vacation?
  30. Australia first, though I would need some serious pain mediication to keep me from hurting after that long of a flight!

  31. What colour is your bathroom?
  32. Powder and master bathrooms are still builder’s white, but the main bathroom is a ragged wine over a darker burgundy base.

  33. Favourite brand of clothing?
  34. Land’s End, when I can afford it and it fits. Otherwise, Chadwick’s.

  35. Where would you retire?
  36. Somewhere near a body of water, I think. I’m too young to plan that far out!

  37. Favourite time of day?
  38. 8:00 AM on a weekend when the sun is shining and I’m happily stitching away in silence.

  39. What was your most memorable birthday?
  40. My 16th was kinda nice. A small get-together at home with my closest friends.

  41. Where were you born?
  42. Pennsylvania, about 4 hours away from where I am now. I’m not going to answer exactly, since that’s a security question for some places when you forget your password! LOL

  43. Favourite sport to watch?
  44. Eh… whatever. I’m not big into sports.

  45. What fabric detergent do you use?
  46. Tide HE (we have a front loading washer).

  47. Coke or Pepsi?
  48. Neither. I’m not a big fan of carbonated drinks, for the most part. I prefer water.

  49. Are you a morning person or a night?
  50. Depends. I get a good second wind around 10:00 PM, but I’m also fairly energized in the morning after I get going.

  51. Do you have any pets?
  52. One 7-year old furbaby, an orange and cream colored Pomeranian named Phoebe.

  53. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?
  54. Nope. With my current stress level, most news is not exciting right now, but mostly negative and I don’t want to focus on it.

  55. What did you want to be when you were little?
  56. A ballerina. That dream died when I quickly grew over the standard height. 🙂

Posted in Meme | 1 Comment

Stitching Progress and Blog Nods

I’ve been working on another baby quilt square in the car this week. It’s also a motif from the same Ursula Michael design as the bunny from my weekend update. The rocking horse is now at a point where it’s usable, so I’ll go back and finish the background on the bunny and see how I’m doing on time.

Also, thanks to Lelia (Stitches of Life) for reading my blog and referencing my crazy stash list post from this past Saturday. 😀

Hi Lelia! I’d leave a comment on your blog, but I don’t have a Blogger account and I see that you wisely shut off anonymous blogging, probably after your comment spam experiences today. That’s why I moderate all of my comments, so it can take up to a day or so for your comment to show up after you post it. Just as an aside. 😉

Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

Stitching Blogger’s Question of the Week – 08/18/2005

This week’s question is just a day late. 🙂

Today’s “Stitching Blogger’s Question” is was suggested by Dawn and is:

How often do you wash your fabric for each project? Do you wait until the very end until to wash it or do you wash it more than once?

Wow, this question makes me feel like a complete slacker, as usual. I typically do not wash my fabrics, before or after. Definitely not after, as I keep seeing that silk threads are not washable and overdyeds can bleed. I consider myself to be a relatively slow stitcher, so I would HATE to ruin a piece by having an accident while washing it after I’m finished. I’ve only ever washed two pieces (I haven’t actually even done them yet, but I intend to wash them). Both are hardanger pieces where the white thread I used for weaving discolored after a little bit of time, probably due to oils or sweat on my hands. Hardanger is usually fairly intensive, so I tend to sweat more. I do a very thorough job of washing my hands nowadays, so I don’t know how much more of that problem I may or may not have.

I’ll be curious to see how other stitchers answer. If others wash their pieces successfully after stitching has been completed, I’ll definitely think about trying it.

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